Hey everyone! It's October 10th so that means it's time for our first checkpoint! At this point, it's recommended (but not required) that you've decided on your fic idea (or at least a couple of ideas if you're doing Easy Mode) and that you've started writing.
Be sure to pace yourself by keeping these deadlines in mind:
Dec. 10 (two months from now) -- you need to have 5,000+ words of writing (your rough draft)
Jan. 10 - Feb. 10 (three to four months from now) -- the posting window for completed Big Bangs
Other announcements:
Author Sign-ups are now more or less closed (if you sign up within the next 12 hours or so, I'll let you in -- but be sure you've thought about it enough to be able to fill out this Checkpoint form too!)
• One author requested a beta reader. If you'd be able to help out in that area, check out the
Beta Reader Sign-ups!
Artist Sign-ups are also open (so far we've got 4 artists signed up)
For this checkpoint, fill out the following and post it as a comment here:
Username: Fandom(s): Summary/overview: Current word count: What you like about your story: What you dislike about your story: Anything else?Story blurb/excerpt (anything from a single sentence to a paragraph or two): By the way, I apologize that I've been kind of slow with responses and such... Life for me has been crazy these past few weeks, in both a very good and very bad way!