November Cartoonist-in-Residence: Debbie Huey

Oct 29, 2009 23:16

 November Cartoonist-in-Residence:  Debbie Huey
Cartoon Art Museum Event:  Saturday, November 14th, 2009 1pm  to 3pm 
Free and Open to the public

The Cartoon Art Museum hosts cartoonist Debbie Huey on Saturday, November 14, 2009 from 1pm to 3pm as part of its ongoing Cartoonist-in-Residence program.  Museum visitors will be offered the chance to talk to her about cartooning and view Debbie’s work.

Debbie Huey is the artist, writer, and creator of the all-ages Bumperboy comics series.  Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Huey received her Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts in 2000 at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She admits she had never purchased a comic book until the age of 21, when she attended her first comic book convention, but ever since then she has been passionate about reading and drawing comics.

In 2002, Huey began self-publishing the Bumperboy minicomics series. After realizing success at several comic book conventions throughout California, she was awarded the 2005 Xeric Grant to publish Bumperboy Loses His Marbles as a graphic novel.  Huey later built upon this achievement by teaming up with AdHouse Books to publish the next Bumperboy adventure, Bumperboy and the Loud, Loud Mountain, which successfully hit comic book shelves in July 2006.

Huey has also contributed to a number of anthologies, including Project: Romantic, AdHouse Books' 2006 compilation of comics devoted to the subject of love, and Lifemeter, an anthology inspired by the video games we have grown to enjoy.

Huey currently resides in Redwood City, CA and is working on several new exciting Bumperboy stories.

This event is free and open to the public.

bumperboy, debbie huey, san francisco, comics, cartoons, cartoon art museum

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