Apr 03, 2011 23:29
I am an adult. I live in the USA. I should be able to be myself within the confines of the law. But that does not appear to be the case. Companies can fire you for what you do and say off the clock. This is the main reason, you can read this and most of America can't.
I really just want to make my whole journal/facebook/twitter public, but my job can let me go if they don't like what I say and my parents would prefer to pretend people don't know I like men...ok never thought I'd say that (I even made the remark one day about my 50-60 year old coworkers being concerned about what their parents would think)....
I told them I would not advertise to people I am gay because, well, I haven't even ever dated. So, anyone who knew me prior to 2003 is on a filter unless I knew they would either not confront my parents or care one way or another.
I really just want to get rid of the filter aka DON'T SENSOR ME!