Sep 16, 2008 21:42
I was writing a response to someone’s email this morning and I thought it might be a good post for my little blog.
I have been considering for some time now how to explain my understanding of God.
I have always believed, even when I was more conservative in my thinking
that G-d was a G-d of logic and order and that G-d acts in creation through
the "laws" by which it was formed.
I think that the more we learn about the world we live in, the more we learn
about the Creator and the necessity of such.
I have met many people who would set aside logic and reason in their
understanding of G-d, but I have found that it is these G-d given faculties
that draw me to the knowledge and understanding of G-d's existence.
In my recent reading and meditation, I have been discovering the concepts
You(the acquaintance I was conversing with) spoke about regarding "we are what we eat." Our lives are ruled by G-d's creative laws and it is our ability to understand and follow those "laws" which has us reaping what we sow. Whether we like it or not we are all interconnected on this great big ball and we are all much better off when we seek to be the best persons we can be.
By no means do I think G-d plays no role in changing us. The very fact that
we believe G-d exist impacts our lives and affects how we live.
I am sure I could go on and be much less articulate and add quotes and
examples, but it is time for work. Have a great day everyone!