Aug 06, 2008 21:33
I am really not sure of this myself. I always thought the idea was to find the one that most matched your philisophical/theological views and provided you an opportunity to use your spiritual gifts
In this respect I think I have a good church, though I am now uncertain if I wish to continue to be a member. I am praying that I will know how to deal with “church” and what reasonable expectations I should have.
One expectation I have always had and assumed was reasonable was that my church care whether or not I was there. Or better yet that they seemed genuinely concerned about your spiritual well-being. If they are concerned for your well-being, then I would think they would notice your absence and attempt to find out what is going on.
I am not sure if this a reasonable expectation or not, but it is one I have always had. I cannot say I have ever found a church where this really seemed true and I am not sure if it is because I have usually been on staff or because churches just don’t care about the average person. The “lost”, the sick, the elderly, sure, but the avg person who is healthy and working and has a relationship with the Creator?
This is where I am at the moment. I want to be part of a body where I can use my gifts and talents, but I am not sure if I am in the right one at the moment and I am not sure if I can bear to go back until I do.