Dec 19, 2003 20:54
Hio! Well this week has definately been a busy one, lets see. My good old friend Steve came down from Michigan Tech, which is really, good. However, Steve is in some ways the symbol for everything that i hate, yet envy. See Steve is a really great, guy, and a even better friend, always there caring, however, shallow in some aspects. He is really into himself which is a downside, however, he has worked really hard for his physique and looks, which is my envy. I've always said, that if i had Steve's body I could get any girl, cause i would still have my personality. Don't get me wrong though, Steve is one of my best friends, and everyone has a flaw in the eyes of others, so ya.
So this is my scheduale happening, I went downtown on Thursday, then Friday Matt's house and seeing Naya, Saturday working till 7 then Chris Grabka's Get together, Sunday work from 9-5, and Monday doing something with Naya and a CPR recert with Joe Strongbad.
So I went downtown on Thursday and I asked my friend Sheena to come, she did and brought her friend Katylin, who i really never liked, however, never had the chance to get to know her either, so all fair. So it was Steve, Sheena, Katylin, Kyle, Boadway, and myself. Sheena and Katylin left after about 20 minutes because Katylin felt sick, she had a illness that weekday or something. So they left and Steve went with them, kinda gay in my opinion cause he just ditched up straight up. We went to see them out, lost them, and got stuck waiting in line to get back in for about 10 minutes or so, really gay, and cold not to mention. We'll we got back in finally and Kyle dropped some money and this girl picked it up for him, talked to him, and asked him to dance. It seemed to me that Kyle really didnt want to, but after a bit of pursuasion, he did. Also, Boadway met her friend Hally or something, and started dancing with her. Now to say the least at first I felt a little left out, them dancing provokatively with those two women, me dancing by myself lol looking for women to dance with, I ended up getting too drunk to dance lol and decided that trying to dance with a hottie girl was against my best interest lol So I ended up watching, listening, and thinking the whole night. Wow you can get alot of thinking done while drunk!! lol very intresting, however I did not like what i saw, and what i became while being drunk. Very angry and vengeful lol not good! So basically i just got pissed off at Kyle and Chris for some reason, i think it was something like i was angry at Kyle for not holding his values and making out with that girl, same went for boadway, and in addittion, something about Laney and all. However, I was intoxicated and things seemed to make sense then, boadway don't take it to the heart lol But i should of really went and got a girl, i figured out that my low self esteem and self image is hindering my picking up of the ladies, really a pain in the arse.
Well Steve is coming to Grabka's and all, i really want this Tiffany girl to come, however, she has a boyfriend, and they have been dating for a long time, i think something like 1 year plus. So yea, for some reason i wouldnt have any guilt in doing it, I figure that if James had the balls to break me and Genny up, its only karma that I get to fuck someone else over. And sadly I've somehow made that morally acceptable to my conscience. Don't ask how, well you know how, but i dunno why it fits, it just does.
Saw Naya today, we had a good time, I love her school, very nice people, cute women, all punk! very nice, very unexpected. I want to get something peirced really bad lol but its really expensive, also i want school to come back so that my life can be filled again...grrr to much time on the hands makes a mind think too much! I hate it lol. I think I'm going to invite Tiffany to go Downtown on Sunday with us, and maybe if the conversation flows right, back to Grabka's house, but then I'll get paranoid that mny friends will try to steal her lol and it will happen, the paranoia i mean; maybe even the stealing part! However, who knows, all i know is that i didn't get much sleep last night, and Steve keeps calling my cell phone, so time to go to bed.
Oh yea! And i still miss Genny!! like WTF how can i get over her, give some helpful comments