Saturday post

Jan 24, 2009 18:02

First of all, I want to wish a happy birthday to angechrissy. I hope you're having a fantastic day :)

I'm having a weird weekend myself. My parents are flying to the States tomorrow and they're busy packing and getting everything together. Dorota and I are driving them to the train station and they're going to take a train to Poznań and fly from there. The train leaves after midnight, so I'll have to stay up pretty late, considering I got the sniffles today and what I'd love to do most is go to bed right now. Oh well, I'm sure I'll surivive. They'll only be gone for two weeks this time. I've been dropping anvil sized hints about how cheap laptops are there all month, practically 30% cheaper than here. My mother has been pretty much against the idea, because she figured she'd have to buy two - one for me and one for Dorota. But when Dorota said she didn't want one and I said I didn't want it for a present and that I'd give them back the money, she seemed be relent a bit. She still thinks it's an unnecessary luxury and she's right, but I really want that unnecessary luxury.

Supernatural Day came and went, I saw the new episode yesterday, I didn't go crazy over it, but I enjoyed it much more than the last one. Most of all, I was just glad to see Sam actually do something besides holding the flashlight. I'm excited that apparently the witers haven't forgotten about Sam's plot and his powers. Mind you, I really don't like the idea of Sam going darkside, so I hope that doesn't happen, but I'm just glad we get to see something of the powers we were teased with since almost the very beginning of the show.

The episode as a whole was a nice, if very sad, metaphor for Sam and Dean, and what they've got to look forward to when they get older. I really loved the boys' conversation about getting old, Dean all pessimistic and Sam stubbornly hopeful. Sammy wants a happy ending for the two of them, but I'm afraid Dean won't be happy when he finds out what Sam's doing to get their happily ever after. I'm deeply disturbed by the thought that maybe TPTB are in fact leading everything to the long anticipated conclusion: Sam against Dean, one brother having to kill the other. Though deep down I can't believe it's possible. And anyway, it's way too early for anything but speculation.

On a different note, I'm really excited about next week's episode - another flashback eppie, this time featuring teen!Chesters. Although, being the picky fan that I am, I'm going to say that young Sam looks way too young in the promo pics we've seen so far, and young Dean looks way, way too old. They look like they're at least ten years apart instead of four. And we're supposed to believe they're in high school together? Not very likely.

And last but not least, today is Dean Winchester's 30th birthday! Happy birthday, Dean! *offers beer and pr0n as pressies*

supernatural, reviews, birthdays, family, dean winchester, parents

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