Everyone else has already done the meme, so ...
- One book that changed your life
I could choose Pride and Prejudice for the same reason lots of people did (my first steps in online fandom, first time reading and writing fanfiction, etc), but I won't! Hah! Instead I'm going with a book that's not even a novel, but more like a very long article about the possible origins of the Arthurian Legend by a Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Why? Because it was from that book that I learnt that there's such a thing as modern day pagan religions, and what I read about them just seemed right somehow. The book inspired me to learn more about those religions and indirectly led to my saying goodbye to Christianity, with which I hadn't been comfortable for years.
- One book that you've read more than once
Pride and Prejudice, I can't escape the truth. I've read it three or four times.
- One book you'd want on a desert island
Probably The Lord of the Rings trilogy, if I'm allowed to cheat a little, because they're technically three books. This is such a rich and complex tale that I imagine it wouldn't be boring even on the tenth read.
- One book that made you laugh
Andrzej Sapkowski's books are the books that made me laugh out loud like a loon. So any of those fit here.
- One book that made you cry
The Black Prince by Iris Murdoch. This is such a beautiful love story, but ends tragically.
- One book that you wish had been written
Any of the stories from the Silmarillion, they have such amazing potential to became absolutely enthralling novels.
- One book that you wish had never been written
This is a silly question, why would I wish some book was never written? No one makes me read it. But I guess if I had to choose, I'd go with Moby Dick, which I did have to read, and those are days of my life I'm never getting back.
- One book you're currently reading
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I'm only on chapter 10, but it's so, so good so far! For a long time I was really sceptical about those books, but I'm very glad I've overcome my prejudices, otherwise I'd be missing out on a truly great read.
- One book you've been meaning to read
My flat is filled with those books, but I have a tome of Shakespeare's complete works that's been waiting to be read for the last 8 years. I'll get to it one day!
- What book scared you the most?
I thought The Lord of the Flies was terrifying. Generally I find books that show the ugliness of human nature much more scary than any horror novel.
In other news, I'm going to spend a few days in our summer house, so I won't be around until Wednesday. And then on Friday evening Dorota and I are going to Szklarska Poręba, the same town in the mountains where I went on a school trip in May. We'll be spending a week there walking in the mountains. So the next two weeks I'll be mostly away from LJ. Have fun and be safe, friends list! :)