Important books meme .... and a short update

Jul 11, 2008 14:24

Everyone else has already done the meme, so ...

  1. One book that changed your life
    I could choose Pride and Prejudice for the same reason lots of people did (my first steps in online fandom, first time reading and writing fanfiction, etc), but I won't! Hah! Instead I'm going with a book that's not even a novel, but more like a very long article about the possible origins of the Arthurian Legend by a Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Why? Because it was from that book that I learnt that there's such a thing as modern day pagan religions, and what I read about them just seemed right somehow. The book inspired me to learn more about those religions and indirectly led to my saying goodbye to Christianity, with which I hadn't been comfortable for years.

  2. One book that you've read more than once
    Pride and Prejudice, I can't escape the truth. I've read it three or four times.

  3. One book you'd want on a desert island
    Probably The Lord of the Rings trilogy, if I'm allowed to cheat a little, because they're technically three books. This is such a rich and complex tale that I imagine it wouldn't be boring even on the tenth read.

  4. One book that made you laugh
    Andrzej Sapkowski's books are the books that made me laugh out loud like a loon. So any of those fit here.

  5. One book that made you cry
    The Black Prince by Iris Murdoch. This is such a beautiful love story, but ends tragically.

  6. One book that you wish had been written
    Any of the stories from the Silmarillion, they have such amazing potential to became absolutely enthralling novels.

  7. One book that you wish had never been written
    This is a silly question, why would I wish some book was never written? No one makes me read it. But I guess if I had to choose, I'd go with Moby Dick, which I did have to read, and those are days of my life I'm never getting back.

  8. One book you're currently reading
    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I'm only on chapter 10, but it's so, so good so far! For a long time I was really sceptical about those books, but I'm very glad I've overcome my prejudices, otherwise I'd be missing out on a truly great read.

  9. One book you've been meaning to read
    My flat is filled with those books, but I have a tome of Shakespeare's complete works that's been waiting to be read for the last 8 years. I'll get to it one day!

  10. What book scared you the most?
    I thought The Lord of the Flies was terrifying. Generally I find books that show the ugliness of human nature much more scary than any horror novel.

In other news, I'm going to spend a few days in our summer house, so I won't be around until Wednesday. And then on Friday evening Dorota and I are going to Szklarska Poręba, the same town in the mountains where I went on a school trip in May. We'll be spending a week there walking in the mountains. So the next two weeks I'll be mostly away from LJ. Have fun and be safe, friends list! :)

memes, travel, reading, books

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