(no subject)

Feb 17, 2009 00:20

What are your middle names? Lynn, Reilley

How long have you been together? What year is it? Oh yea. She's right - its 13 years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? Dating...probably her second visit. I don't count the first. I was "ambushed"

Who asked who out? No one asked - it just happened. I think drugs/spells/hypnosis were involved...

How old are each of you? She's 5 years younger than me.

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? She sees hers more, I see mine more.

Do you have any children together? 3.

Pets? 2. I promised her a second once we got the house.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Finding time with just each other.

Did you go to the same school? Same university.

Are you from the same home town? uh- no. Same coastline though.

Who is the smartest? Me. Unless she's right, then its her.

Who is the most sensitive? Outwardly - her. Inwardly - probably her again. I just don't show emotion well...

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Applebees

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Virginia

Who has the craziest exes? I think its a toss up. I've had more recently than her, I think.

Who has the worst temper? Me. Hands down. And its ugly when it gets out.

Who does the cooking? I "cook" more often. She makes more of the meals though.

Who is more social? A social butterfly I am not.

Who is the neat-freak? I have my moments where I'll tear an entire room apart and clean it. Otherwise, its her.

Who is the more stubborn? Her. Although there are some things I hold my ground on.

Who hogs the bed? SHE does! Especially if you count the knee that sticks out when she faces my direction!

Who wakes up earlier? She does.

Where was your first date? Date...? Um...she'd probably count me taking her to that logic class...

Who has the bigger family? If her brother keeps up his track record - her.

How do you spend the holidays? Happy!

Who is more jealous? Her...but not by much. I'm too oblivious to notice if someone's hitting on her or not. :(

How long did it take to get serious? All of about 24hrs...

Who eats more? I think me.

Who does/ did the laundry? I don't like folding cuz then someone comes along and folds it again anyway...

Who’s better with the computer? Me. Although she can do some stuff I can't (or rather, haven't tried)

Who drives when you are together? Me! I like driving. I actually find it relaxing. :)
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