Nov 17, 2008 11:04
Well, I didn't get any more patio work done - but I *did* get the raking done. I don't have that big of a yard, but there are two HUGE tries on the border of my property, and I think they dumped 90% of their leaves in my yard. The entire back 1/4 of the lawn was covered in a good 1/4 inch of leaves. My property (I love saying that) if narrow, but long, so I used the wheelbarrow to take them out front - so it only took about 2 hours to do.
I don't remember if it was Thursday or Friday, but bubbabear has figured out how to climb out of the crib. So Saturday I set up his big boy bed. (and rearranged the whole room, cleaned it up..) He loves his new bed! He also loves getting out of it more. So my Love and I have taken a turn each sitting in his room and MAKING him stay in his bed till he fell asleep. I don't remember how long I was up there for, but eventually I switched tactics - I stood outside his room in the dark where he couldn't see me, and waited for him to get out of bed. Sure enough, he did. It took 3 times, and a bit of spanking, but he was down and asleep within about half an hour (more or less).
Hopefully my Love won't have as much difficulty tonight with him.