(no subject)

Dec 22, 2009 03:16

Oh, hey, there. I just took part in like fifteen rounds of beer pong and my team came out as the winner. I kicked ass.

There was a LOT of beer, and I may have smoked three or five cigarettes and I may have smelt a guy's foot and pussied out of a game of strip poker and it was actually kind of fabulous.

But you know what? I feel like I am just so done with the boys around me lately - is it a solar eclipse and all of a sudden it's a feminists wet dream and all the girls have more balls than all the boys? Because really, the grass is not greener on the other side.

I'm kind of sick of being the mature one, mainly because anyone who knows me is certain that I am incurably immature, so to say I come out on top in that matter? Is bullshit, and means the world is lopsided, and leprechauns really do exist and all that bullshit.

Or, you know, that's a lie. I'm not done with guys. I'm just done with Alex.

He guilt tripped me all last week while I was in California (and I never texted him while drunk or high) and refused to talk about it, thus ruining half of my nights, and then tonight? I make a facebook entry (*sigh* facebook ruins everything, apparently) about EPIC BEER PONG and he asks me who I'm playing with, and I respond, VERY OBVIOUSLY JOKING, "a bunch of bikers, full of sperm"

And, well, I'm willing to admit to that being a misstep. on my part.

Even so, he calls me, I pick up, can't hear him. He hangs up. I go outside, call him, and explain to him calmly that I'm just having fun with Rachel and the guys are harmless and have their own girlfriends, and it's no big deal. And so he lies and says everything's fine, and he'll let me go.

Cut to, like, an hour later, after the beer pong tournament, and he's texting me about hating his life and not wanting to exist and wanting to slit his wrists and


I'm sympathetic to people who are bummed, as I feel that way too sometimes, but this? This is utter bullshit. This is calling out for attention, and I do NOT need this shit. BECAUSE I MEAN. WHAT? REALLY?


fucking facebook.
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