More planets! Up to 17. Mineral income up past 400/month. Not impressive to experience mid-game players, but I feel better. Still might not be enough to take on fallen empire directly, but I got a lot closer than before.
And by building up as fast as I could, I did spend down my 15k mineral reserve again!
Concentrating on unity buildings and science I built both up to the point where I got several new traditions and am close to my third ascension perk. And gaining science a lot faster, now I'm a bit ahead of most AIs rather than behind.
I'm rapidly upgrading my planets as fast as possible. I have enough I'm not sure I want to micromanage all of them after all. But there's about five planet-unique buildings that produce unity or similar that I usually want to build everywhere.
I have 7 core worlds but need to keep adding stuff to sectors. I probably could have managed what was in sectors better (I don't know if it's worth trying to build all my mineral and energy production outside sectors so they don't get taxed?). The new ones do take a while to fill up even with lots of migration bonuses. But I'm finally getting a fairly big economic machine going.
Ick-Ick-Ick Block resigned from federation associate and joined again.
I forgot to build up trust with Romulizards again, and they don't initiate, they just go back to hating me. They sadly closed their borders and re-rivalled me when my construction ship was moving through a corner of their territory, and then it needed to emergency jump back to a starbase and then drive nearly 10 years round the long way...
The Smeagle Parrots have really been knocked about by the empires on either side. There's very few of them left -- I'm glad I got some as refugees into my territory. Sadly, I can't get a border with them to offer them vassal-hood. I don't know if they'll eventually recant on not joining a federation when they get desperate enough.
I investigated vassalising the remnants of the fungus empire but they'd built up a fair bit and I decided I wasn't going to get far enough ahead of them and offered them federation membership instead. Now I built a lot more fleet cap and science, I'm not sure if that was correct, but I'd feel guilty for forcing it on them anyway.
Got terraforming! Put my terraforming gases and liquids to use. Well, as soon as I have something I *can* terraform, I'd sadly just colonised some less-habitable worlds, which may have been the only thing I can terraform (both barren worlds with terraforming candidate and already-colonised worlds seem to need extra tech.)
I also researched engos vapour. Many different perks contribute to my income being significantly more than the notional base income of my buildings. And the AI wanted to trade it, though oddly for a lump sum, but I didn't quite realise I could only use one, so I need to wait for another offer, they didn't seem very excited when I offered it to them.
But that's several strategic resources, three types, more than one of at least one.
I built the alien zoo! I sadly had to remove the heritage monument so it didn't actually make that much difference, but I wanted it. I also found alien pets on a new world too, I just need to upgrade to the capital building before I can build it there too.
Wait, I think I misunderstood how this works. I think I hadn't realised their monument was basically the lesser non-spiritualist version of the temple. So I should have been replacing them. Oh well, easy to do now.
I researched a space black site. Mostly because it produces unity. I felt guilty as I've been trying to be all benevolent. But the government was always a *little* shadowy, they had a secret ruling council which lets me force elections. It also reduces unrest and increases ethics attraction, but I didn't especially need those right now.
I was considering going fanatic egalitarian instead of spiritualist. Now I'm quite used to being spiritualist and am friends with several spiritualist empires, so I probably won't. But it's good to know I could. Heck, I could even go xenophile, I have all the factions to adopt if I want.
I found some abandoned terraforming equipment on a newly colonised planet. I was a bit scared of it. I heard someone turned their whole planet to ammonia messing with one of those. But I had plenty of planets so I wanted to try. And was interested to see if bio-engineered monsters would pour out of the ground (apparently that's a possibility). Alternatively I can take it apart to see how it works -- but I'd just started researching terraforming anyway so that didn't seem as attractive.
I debated my second ascension perk when I got it. I'd followed the diplomacy path as I knew I was going to work with other empires a lot. Next I started following prosperity as I already had all the ones I absolutely wanted, and that was a good general bonus. Likewise, there were no ascension perks I *had* to have, so I chose +10% research. My first was lower influence and mineral cost for new starbases as I was already going quite wide. Looking forward to my third one.
Completed crystalline pacification (as the crystaline entities were a long way away and not much of a threat any more I never prioritised it earlier). Except apparently I'd been in a battle with them and forgot, as a benefit was being able to research their crystal hull plating, which I was already able to research. But I do just prefer being able to coexist with them!
My science production has made my military ships reasonably more worthwhile too.
Their point of view
A scientific golden age! Our science ships have explored dead ends and nooks in the hyperlane system, and discovered more anomalies than we had since the early days of exploration.
Our military research races ahead too, until we have little to fear from the rest of the galaxy.
Our strategy of stationing strong pickets at key points throughout our empire payed dividends when several pirates fleets were seen off with ease.
Several other breakthroughs have hastened our scientific progress too. Our fungus neighbours, once freed of the yoke of their oppressive government, show unprecedented ability at researching physics. Our scientists discovered a way of conducting a black hole observatory to increase our study of these disconcerting phenomena.
And we discovered floating void clouds containing vague sentiences from the dawn of the universe. Our philosophers and scientists are divided in how to regard them, but our reverence has resulted in a further empire wide surge in physics output.
As has our ingenious leveraging of several energos deposits near our homeworld.
Visitors are flocking from several planets to see the cute alien pet forms that have been discovered on several of our worlds. Go Iferyx Tourism Board!
A redevelopment effort has cleared many obstructions from our planets' surface to further our building. Likewise, after the war, many defensive starbases have been deconstructed, and the effort put into building ones in the most useful positions, mostly in our inhabited systems or around black holes.
We welcome our further expansion! Now Iferyx Amalgamated Fleets comprise seventeen planets populated by different combinations of mix of Duckbills, Parrots, Morlocks and Funguses, as we affectionately call them. Not forgetting the alien pets! And our reptilian younger cousins, having recently achieved spaceflight and living under our benign protection.
Sadly, disturbing rumours are flying about secret government black sites in deep space, hidden in the very space stations supposedly guarding us from outside threat. Although, if the government were cracking down, surely the first to feel the pinch would be the xenophobic and authoritarian factions, who are still as vocal.
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