Nov 03, 2003 20:01
well this weekend was eventful~
all week with the whole fire fiasco~ everyone was kinda of edgy....
aka my mom
but as the week slowly came to an end, everything seemed to be back to normal. Friday was good ol' holloweeeeeeen and because we didn't have school i thought the group i was going out with wasn't going to dress up. eeeehhhhh, wrong~ so i busted a 50's outfit out of my ass and was ready for the night. jenni and kyle showed up in a sexy jogging outfit in which kyle's shorts were even shorter than jenni's............
but ANYWHO~ tried to somehow give jj liberty spikes... no go~ so jenni with her skill gave him a mullet....... hahaha~ but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn he looked FINE! hmmmmmm-mmmm! rawr! oh, he was an 80's punker btw~ um after meredith got to mi casa (she was big titty hoe~ that sexy bitch) we headed over to Matt's for a tid~ which it was really nice to see everyone again~everyone looked very cute um~ stopped by a few other parties and didnt have to really worry about the time because jenni jj and i had NO curfew!!! man oh man~ i though that was only gonna happen when i moved out~ so with having no time to be home and not having to worry about parents being on our backs~ where were we at 1 in the morning? my house watching tv............
::shrug:: oh well~ it was eventful ;-)
SATURDAY! jj's birthday dinner~ well all week long jenni and i traveled around the u.s. trying to find jj purple chucks not realizing that they would be chillin' down at Noors (thanks guys for informing me AS he was opening his present) but i ended up just ordering it online~ anywho~ we all met at matt's house around 530...people who went (sorry if i forgot your name) JJ,me,Matt,Amand,Summer,Steve, Laura,Sean,Cristina,Lindsay,Pj,Ariel, Karla,Luis, Clint, Megan , Kelly, Jenni, Kyle oh man it was a lot of fun!! i loved hanging out with all of you again!! but yeah~it was very entertaining and jj couldn't stop smiling the whole entire night which was very cute~ so thank you to all of you that came! You guys are awsome!!!!!!!
SuNdAy- Julian Segobia II 17th we hung out at his house the whole day which was a lot a lot A LOT of fun~~~ :-D
went out to dinner which was very nice and had a very fun ride home...i love you jj
but yeah~ today was freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing cold...which only means one thing......snow......which means another thing.........SNOWBOARDING dkfglskdjfglsdkjfhglkdsjrygtkuyrgkjhsfdlgkjshdlfktsylekfgslkdfjglakyekrjhalkvgsakdhftalkhfalkjfglhvjsbdjfglskrhlftksjdhfksjdhflskhtylkshgksfbvksfjh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
::starts hyperventilating::