Just a little post to let all you people know that I am indeed alive, and what the hell I'm doing this summer, before... uh... I'm not alive. (which is probably very soon. )
So first off, For the whole month of April, I did ABSOLUTELY nothing, except for the fact that it was World Petty Day, which was awesome. There was this huge party at forever_fivetwo's APARTMENT and we almost crashed the place!
Also, I developed a fake obsession for Harry Potter...
I just found some pictures on tumblr and most of them were really funny, but were Harry Potter related, but I grabbed them anyway. I figured I had some real HP fans / friends that could understand them. Hrrmm.
Also found some pictures for fruit stories...
Then before I knew it, it was May (April 23 -World Petty Day) And all the time looked like it was pulled away, as were my 2 OF MY WISDOM TEETH. I couldn't eat for 3 days per tooth, so I prolly lost weight. (AS IF I'M NOT THIN ENOUGH.) And I still have ONE TOOTH to be pulled. WHOOPDEEDOO.
It was off to a visit by then, at least I could at least learn something instead of doing NOTHING. I had this trip to a museum with a 'Greek gods' exhibit and I WAS ATTACKED BY MY TEACHER MS. DODDS.
Heh, fake, fake, fake. Right now, I'm actually reading (whut.) the Percy Jackson and The Olympians series, and I just finished book 2 today.
This May, is also for CAT training, which I'm actually excited for. Huh, who knew.
Also, getting ready to vote for Monday elections!
I AM JUST hoping the family would go on a vacation (VAYCAY!) so I could escape this place.
And srsly people, how long have you not heard of KAME KAME KAME this whole summer?!
Well, I hope YOUR summers are better, with all your fancy SACEDAS and TRIPS and HIPPOCAMPI.
I leave you all with a painfully corny joke.
What dinosaur knows how to speak English really, really well?
You are gonna kill me.
-dies an honorable death-