Jul 14, 2005 23:02
Ok, so lately, with being on vacation and all, I have found that the more my ex and I talk, the more we fight about the past.....which kinda sucks cause no matter what I still would like her to be my friend. But you know when someone is like "be honest..." and asks you something, and when you answer it you end up being an ass or something? Well, yeah, I def. did that about 10 times in the last hour. SO great, an enemy, and an angry ex all rolled up into one, not to mention I just found out that god def. is playing with my life cause my new gf is roomates with my old one when school starts......(Sigh)....why me? Well, whatever, all I know is that this is going to be one rough semester coming up, and I sure hope I don't go pissing any more people off....I seem to have a special ability for it lately. Peace.