hey! i decided that my sims 3 game is waay too slow to play families and enjoy the actual game, so i decided to start to use the pose player and start taking pictures of sims that i make! i recently downloaded awsomemod, btw. :D i knew about awesomemod, i just didn't know exactly what it was for! lol! so yeah, awesomemod really helped me out. :) makes my sims look awesomer too. thanks,
tiptoehappiness . today, i'll start off with Emme Smith. pictures of Emme under the cut ♥
please comment ! ♥
isn't she adorable!? very fierce too ;D
Emme's traits are: bookworm, genius, good, photographers eye, & shy.
when i was making Emme i had a lot of help from my sister. she told me if something was wrong with her mouth, her nose, or what she was wearing. haha. so, huge props to her! ♥
Emme's favorites are: PB&J, Pop, & Pink
whenever i look at Emme's traits, i kinda think of me. i'm super interested in photography, so i kinda wanted her personality to shine :)
Emme's lifetime wish is to have a World-Class Gallery. She wishes to have a current collection of photographs worth at least $25,000 & have at least 10 photographs from China, Egypt, and France in her home.
if you want to download Emme, click the link:
everyday formal sleepwear athletic swimwear
if you want her to look like she does in the photo's here's what you'll need:
european default skin by lemonleaf:
blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63e832e0010181ck.htmlfreckles by papercat:
www.mediafire.com/eyeliner (sweet) at mod the sims:
modthesims.info/download.phplipgloss by shyne:
www.mediafire.com/eyeshadow: basegame
eyes (default):
http://missbonbon.dreamwidth.org/8409.html everyday:
outfit comes with outdoor living stuff pack.
shoes are basegame.
hair: newsea birdy retexture by lotus:
ageiha.livejournal.com/37213.html formal:
outfit comes with generations EP.
shoes come with late night EP.
top by lilisims:
www.lilisims.com/sims3_html/sims3_female_html/sims3_female_adult_html/sims3_female_adult_page_1.htmlbottom comes with latenight EP.
hair by peggy (donation) [free download at the booty]:
paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts3/peggy/hair/female/femalehair000262.zip athletic:
shorts: basegame
sneakers: basegame
hair by newsea rosy cloud retexture by lotus:
there we have it! i really, really enjoyed making Emme. she has a bunch of friends that i'm willing to share :)
please comment ! ♥