Aug 24, 2008 02:48
i was talking about how i can't tell if artwork (music, film, television) is particularly better recently or if i'm just seeing it with a different eye than how i first experienced the old stuff that defines my idea of what good and bad stuff is, what i like and what i don't like, etc, etc ...
a lot of the music i listen to now fits into my life in such a different way than everything i've listened to before has. it's almost like there's a theme, that i gravitate toward perceiving everything as a comment on the difference between then and now , even. and yet, conversely, a lot of the music i listen to, even stuff that's just new to me or even actually new, has me resonate completely with old ways i've felt before that i've felt lost to, so lost to that i forgot what it was like to feel that way, forgot that sensation even existed.
and then there's the old stuff that i can view with my current perceptions, current conceptions ... and see how that stuff might have fit into my life when it was new if i was then who i am now - or how it would integrate if it was new now instead of new then ... or something crazy like that, i dunno really how to describe it. i can ... not really feel that, but think of what that might have been like, i guess. i don't know.
the point being, that some of the stuff i experience now, i see through not just my current lens but also different spectrums of the past ... perhaps even contradictory ones ... whereas stuff from my past, the stuff that defines my senses and sensibilities, i see from a somewhat limited view, because it is the past; it isn't the now ...
and in case i wasn't clear, it's not just music, but certainly also visual stuff ... and not even just artwork as in entertainment media, i guess, but many things ... any kind of expression of life, really. it's complicated.