So i had a really goood weekend. That normally means a really unbearable sunday, monday and every other pointless day of the week. But I feeeel gooood, and its um. good. :) for a change. :p
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first my baby i doubt you've ever really watched or listened to the content of an episode. and yes there are bimbo sluts on it, but there are bimbo sluts everwhere throughout life so it is a bit relevant and amusing, and the show is anything but mindless. There is actually a lot of mind behind it, I think the books would be great. so stop being the evil witch from the west! harr har!
yes..yes I have Carmenoid. I sat and painfully watched the whole shitty, boring, bimboish talk episode and realised how retarded it really was. How stupid they make women out to be, and how degrading the whole show is to the intelligence of women. There are lots of bimbo sluts, but they're not made out to be cool, and doing the right thing in real life. This show heightens that fact and gives the impression that it's normal for an old woman to share her boyfriend with a teenager in an orgy. It is mindless because it addresses shallow issues and makes them out to be what life is all about. This is the show that will bear the new generation of Australian women role-modelling themselves on beautiful, thin, slutty Americans who talk about nothing but petty issues and themselves because they're so selfishly vain.
It's nothing but brainwashing TV that makes you dumber by the second.
I cant believe we are going to debate about this. REMEMBER OUR ANTI AMERICAN FIGHT ON THE PHONE HAAHAH. YOU GOT YOUR DAD TO TALK TO ME! baha. anyways. I do not think the show makes women out to be stupid or 'degrades' them in any way. in fact I think it does quite the opposite. I find the shows point is to play upon problems women that age actually go through in a humourous an analytical light. eg. single parenting, divorce, loneliness, not accepting aging, and yeh sex. How is this degrading? It isnt saying all women are like this, it is say THIS is the lifestyles of some women in new york, consume and maybe relate? In the case of the threesome, I think the point of the show was not to say 'yeh thats normal everyone go do that' but more to highlight the fault in samanthas immauture high sex drive ways, it is all relevant if you take the plot and message of episodes into consideration instead of narrowly judging each scene. obviously things are sensationalised and not identical to situations in real life which i find sort of the point
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hahaha...I think we finished this arguement on the phone. I'm too involved in Home and Away..haha and how retarded Duncan is for driving a car off a cliff. It's fuckin frustrating!
Problems women have? Humerous? hahaha ok so making sex and orgies out to be funny is a good thing? hahaha woohoo!!!
It's degrading because it's assuming all women talk about are shallow issues and petty problems, making them out to be what life is all about. Sorry, but I have a bit of a stronger opinion of what is important.
Consume? hahaha consume what? I think you have the wrong word
I'd like to think that most women and their friends don't meet up to talk about sex as a base for their relationships with each other. Then again they're all as shit as each other, so maybe it's good they stick to this confined group...hahaha.
I love how we argue and then just don't care. ♥ :)
consume as in to take in, absorb, and maybe relate to bits we want to. thats what i meant. I get what you mean but i dont particularly think shows assume things, it just presents several perspectives of life that might appeal to some viewers, maybe not yours, but noone assumes all people act a certain way just cos they see it on tv? I dont assume all students in highschool and all families are the way they are on home and away. I think its good to engage with texts that you either highly relate to or dont. If you can relate then you can be comforted or amused, if you cant then your exposed to a different way of perceiving things that do exist beyond the square you live in. or you might just be bored and angry and pissed of at acents! hee I know you'll forever hate the show my love. ♥
Consume-1.destroy; use up; eat or drink; spend, waste, entirely preoccupied. 2. Waste away.
You're so wrong with that word...haha
Texts>? hahaha...Sex In The City is hardly a text. More like a spewy piece of shit script writing.
Thing is I don't relate and I don't think these things exist. Not the way they are portrayed. Maybe slightly, but to that exaggeration
Conclusion: The show is crap. The End. I win..hahahahaahahhaahaaaaaa!!! By the way you're an ugly slut (just thought I'd add that as a valid point).. ;p ♥
so stop being the evil witch from the west! harr har!
This is the show that will bear the new generation of Australian women role-modelling themselves on beautiful, thin, slutty Americans who talk about nothing but petty issues and themselves because they're so selfishly vain.
It's nothing but brainwashing TV that makes you dumber by the second.
Ps. You suck, I rule. The end. ;p
anyways. I do not think the show makes women out to be stupid or 'degrades' them in any way. in fact I think it does quite the opposite. I find the shows point is to play upon problems women that age actually go through in a humourous an analytical light. eg. single parenting, divorce, loneliness, not accepting aging, and yeh sex. How is this degrading? It isnt saying all women are like this, it is say THIS is the lifestyles of some women in new york, consume and maybe relate? In the case of the threesome, I think the point of the show was not to say 'yeh thats normal everyone go do that' but more to highlight the fault in samanthas immauture high sex drive ways, it is all relevant if you take the plot and message of episodes into consideration instead of narrowly judging each scene. obviously things are sensationalised and not identical to situations in real life which i find sort of the point ( ... )
Problems women have? Humerous? hahaha ok so making sex and orgies out to be funny is a good thing? hahaha woohoo!!!
It's degrading because it's assuming all women talk about are shallow issues and petty problems, making them out to be what life is all about. Sorry, but I have a bit of a stronger opinion of what is important.
Consume? hahaha consume what? I think you have the wrong word
I'd like to think that most women and their friends don't meet up to talk about sex as a base for their relationships with each other. Then again they're all as shit as each other, so maybe it's good they stick to this confined group...hahaha.
I love how we argue and then just don't care. ♥ :)
I get what you mean but i dont particularly think shows assume things, it just presents several perspectives of life that might appeal to some viewers, maybe not yours, but noone assumes all people act a certain way just cos they see it on tv? I dont assume all students in highschool and all families are the way they are on home and away. I think its good to engage with texts that you either highly relate to or dont. If you can relate then you can be comforted or amused, if you cant then your exposed to a different way of perceiving things that do exist beyond the square you live in.
or you might just be bored and angry and pissed of at acents! hee
I know you'll forever hate the show my love. ♥
2. Waste away.
You're so wrong with that word...haha
Texts>? hahaha...Sex In The City is hardly a text. More like a spewy piece of shit script writing.
Thing is I don't relate and I don't think these things exist. Not the way they are portrayed. Maybe slightly, but to that exaggeration
Conclusion: The show is crap. The End. I win..hahahahaahahhaahaaaaaa!!! By the way you're an ugly slut (just thought I'd add that as a valid point).. ;p
i give up. but i win. i always win.
Use up and take in aren't the same thing LOSER!
I also think ugly slut wins over stupid bitch :p
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