
Mar 03, 2004 19:43


couldnt handle uni today. everything is beggining to make me feel sick, I was actually having vomiting urges all day. I dont know whats wrong with me. I hate having the conversations i find myself in most of the time.. I hate this restless twitch in my gut like im waiting for something to relieve it and make me relax. I need peter to come back or else im going to seriously die. every day die.
Hanging out with connor today was cool.. He doesnt seem to be ever weighed down by anything much and is just a sweet considerate simple soul.
I feel so messy.
I dont want to do this anymore, I want away. sea. sun. sit. laugh. bye.
thank sweet fuck that i dont have uni till monday. i think im going to go watch that passions of christ movie with lauchy tmrw, im so excited.
cant wait to go to canberra next weekend.
Im reading white oliander, it is so beautiful. reading it is my only solace from the poo that chokes my head.
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