Non-Spoiler Caps & an LJ comm

Nov 29, 2006 23:31

I got the feeling that people weren't looking at my pics because they were afraid of spoilers. Anyway, I decided to whip up two batches of non-spoilery pics (at least I hope they are considered that way) for the latest episodes.

3x11 - The Return Pt 2 (10 pics)

3x12 - Echoes (11 pics)

Clickers on the URLs will notice that I'm now linking to a comm instead of using an LJ cut. I set up the comm beckettcaps (official title: Carson Beckett Screen Captures) to post all my piccies - yay. Any other adventurous cappers out there are welcome to join.

When trying to choose a layout colour, I was inspired by the one titled "Carson Blue" which seemed to work out nicely! Hehe.
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