Whistling Dixie

Oct 13, 2008 09:20

Noodlhead would like everyone to know he's got his whistles at about 80% now.  He's still a tad shaky on his away whistle, but he's got his come bye pretty much down.  Then again, since I couldn't make up my mind on his away I've left that one alone until now, but I've been using his come bye off and on, so it  makes sense he'd have that one already.  I tried to get two sessions in each day over the weekend, and he's been working very nicely for me.  I have been just going on and using his whistles with a shush when he takes it to indicate he is right, and occasionally tossing a voice command in there if he was uncertain.  He's taking his whistles flawlessly where it makes sense, and needing just a little help where it doesn't.

We went up to Becca's for a while on Saturday and had the opportunity to work on her woolies - and had several groups of very nice sheep to work on.  We worked on whistles out in a fenced pasture, and then we traded outruns with Becca and Ted out in the unfenced pasture, which presented some neat challenges.  I have to say that Becca and Ted have just come along leaps and bounds recently, and I was really proud of them both.  Nick really likes wool sheep - and they definately act and respond differently from hair sheep.

I briefly worked Linc while we were there.  He is really not ready to start training yet, but he had a few moments where he settled in and was actually thinking back there.  Then, poof, it was gone.  Hah!  He's certainly plenty keen, and I learned on Saturday that he's certainly willing to use his teeth.  I'm definately going to have to have help knowing how to handle him as he comes along.  I don't want to inadvertantly squash something that we're going to need, or allow things I shouldn't in the process of not squashing things.  Uh, if that makes sense.  It's almost like having dogs on two ends of the spectrum - going from Nick to Linc.  Anyway, I may pull him out again at the end of this month just to see what's what.

We then took a walk down to the pond and I took a chance and allowed Ginger to walk down with us off leash.  She was, to my surprise, VERY good.  She actually hung out with us at the pond - and almost looked like she wanted to go in.  Although I took Zippy down on leash, I let him off once we got there, and he also had a ball.  The border collies all had a nice swim - and I have to say my favorite part was watching Julie's Lark do her thing.  No matter where she is, when Julie says, "Go Larky Go" she bunches herself up and launches herself into the water (even if she's already IN the water).  She cracks me up, this cutest dog ever.

Anyhow, so that was our weekend - lots of short sessions working, interspersed with some lovely walks.  I don't think the weather could have been any nicer, and it was a great weekend spent with some of my favorite people.

I spent yesterday afternoon mowing, weedeating, doing laundry and watching SATC episodes.  I finally got to see the one about speed stick and rogaine, and I laughed until I almost peed myself.  Funny stuff.  Tonight is more weed eating, more laundry, and probably some vacuuming.  And more SATC. Big surprise, right?

One last thing - I got to see a newborn calf yesterday.  I kept wishing I had my camera out there - I'd like to get pictures of not only her, but also the really majestic looking long horns next door!  Maybe Weds...

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