Just a quick question for everyone. Am I the only one here who absolutely hates MP3?
I'm so tired of people with an 8 gig iPod nano bragging about a metric ass ton of songs on there. Lossy compression is not your friend!
I'll reluctantly admit, I do use WMA loss less because it streams to my XBox easily, but I also use FLAC.
Poll What format do you use?
wildbilltx, I swear... if you put 8-track in there I'll send my minions after you.
In a futile attempt to reach all of you MP3 users out there, easiest thing (IMO): Listen to the cymbal crashes... they sound they make should not sound "square" (meaning your hearing an
approximation of a cymbal). Of course you'd actually need to know what a cymbal actually sounds like to make a comparison. I have the advantage of having sat in front of the percussion people 8 years of school band class =P.