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Nov 26, 2011 17:03

player information.

name: Captain
are you over 18?: Yes
personal lj: wings_of_cover
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: wingsofcover
characters in abax: cookies?

in character information.

series: Marvel, Next Avengers
name: James Rogers
sex: M
age: 16 (Exact age is not given, but given that he looks to be four around the start of the movie and is among the oldest of the children Tony raises, he's probably around 16 by the time the movie ends.)
race: Human
height: 5'9'' (guesstimate, he'll probably get his full height in a huge growth spurt but every drawing of him has him as shorter than Tony Stark by quite a bit)
weight: cookies 160
canon point: End of the movie
previous cr: Cookies

history: Cookies James' world is a mostly post-apocalyptic world where all the adult heroes have been killed, and all but one of the villains of the world are likewise gone. Ultron, built by Tony in this world, killed the Avengers (except Thor, who was in Asgard) when James was a toddler, starting with James' father, Captain America, and his mother, the Black Widow, and over the next thirteen years Ultron killed most of the remaining heroes, any villains that opposed him, and most of the human population. Asia was the only area not yet conquered, but Ultron was preparing to invade.

James grew up with Tony Stark, (whom he did not know was Iron Man), Azari, son of Black Panther (one of the Avengers) and Storm (a member of the X-men), Henry Pym Jr. (Son of Hank and Jan Pym, both Avengers using the codenames Giant Man and the Wasp respectively), Torunn, daughter of Thor and Syf, and Jocasta, an AI presumably made by Tony in this reality.

His childhood was occupied with training in hand to hand, lessons on the use of a shield which James eventually learned to throw very proficiently, and games with the other children. However, all this left James restless and frustrated. He didn't see the point in training since nothing ever happened in the jungle-like enclosure where they lived.

One day, after Tony broke up a fight amongst the children, an alarm went off and red lights flashed all through the forest. Tony made all the kids hide in James' bungalow, which was very messy because he didn't see the point in cleaning. While they're discussing what it could possibly be, with James certain it's another malfunction or something minor, Vision comes through a wall behind Pym and frightens the children for a moment.

Tony shows up to collect Vision, and tells the children to keep waiting while he takes Vision away. After a brief debate, the children agree they should follow Tony, and discover that the fountain that serves as a grave site and memorial for their parents (and Iron Man) has a secret underground chamber beneath it. After a moment, the children follow.

There they discover robotic versions of their parents who were Avengers. Pym's mom and Iron Man are absent, but they have trouble identifying the robot version of Hawkeye, who they guess must be either the Archer (Hawkeye) or the Knight (Iron Man) (For some reason Tony gave all the Avengers additional nicknames during the bedtime stories he told about them). Pym and Azari go on to look for Tony, but James stays behind with Torunn to look at the robots.

James wonders if Iron Captain America has his dad's voice, or might be programmed to act like him, or have his memories, and tries to activate the robot on the off chance that any of them are true. Unfortunately, when James does activate the robot, Iron Captain America activates the other Iron Avengers and leads them to a launch area. There, they depart into a snowy sky, and James realizes he has seriously messed up. James and Torunn run to tell Tony.

Tony sees the Iron Avengers on the compounds sensor displays, and Ultron doing battle with them. He instructs Pym to take Vision's head and sends all the children to 'the command center'. While the kids run to the command center through the jungle, they hear alerts over the speakers announcing as each of the Iron Avengers goes offline. Vision explains that Ultron can take over other machines.

Shortly after the last Iron Avenger goes offline, Ultron comes in through the glass roof of the dome that was programmed to mimic the sky. The outside sky is dark, and snow falls through the hole. Ultron expresses his surprise at finding children, and right as he's about to blast them Iron Man shows up to protect the children, using his Uni-beam to blast Ultron away from them.

Iron Man's visor lifts, and the kids are surprised to find out that Tony is Iron Man. Tony tells the kids to go, and they reluctantly flee. However, when they get to the command center they decide they need to go back for Tony, who isn't right behind them like he said he would be. However, it turned out that the command center was really a Quinjet, and Vision pilots it away from the only home the kids have ever known, and announces that their destination is the Savage Lands, which are really quite nice that time of year.

However, Vision's power reserve runs out during the flight, and while Pym says he can repair Vision, the kids instead decide to go after Tony, who has been most likely taken to Ultra City, Ultron's capital. The kids managed to figure out how to fly the jet, and took it to Ultra City, where the City's defenses blew it up.

Thankfully, James had taken this into account and they had left the jet before that, with Pym flying on his own and Torunn carrying Azari and James.

They sneak past the city's outer defenses, but before they can discuss how to get to Tony, Torunn charges in and attacks the nearest robot. Despite her strength and invulnerability, she's quickly outmatched by the robots. The other kids jump in as well, but if not for the intervention of Hawkeye's son, Francis, and his scavengers, they would have been captured or killed.

When James wakes up again he, Pym, and Azari are separated from Torunn, but they quickly find her in the company of the scavengers. They find out that Francis is the son of Hawkeye, and that he thought he was the last Avenger. It turned out that Hawkeye and his son survived, but Hawkeye's wife and the mother of his son, Mockingbird, was not so lucky.

James and the other kids want to go after Tony again, but Francis says it's pointless. Betty Ross, now an old woman, says that Tony would still be alive, because he's the one who built Ultron. Determined not to abandon Tony, James, Torunn, Pym, and Azari go after him, but aren't able to convince Francis to go with them.

The kids manage to sneak into Ultron's tower, where they find a huge chamber full of display cases. They see damaged pieces of Tony's armor, and worry about him. James is quickly distracted by his father's cowl and shield in another display case. They linger in that room before going on to find Tony. When they find Tony, Tony tells them they shouldn't be there because it's a trap.

Ultron appears and says the children cannot be allowed to live because they're a threat to his rule, and that Captain America was the most dangerous of the Avengers because of his ability to inspire others to act, and that like his father, James will die first.

While Ultron is talking, Francis and his scavengers arrived, and Francis shoots Ultron with an explosive arrow, and they once again escape, this time with Tony.

Later, in an abandoned theater, Tony explains that he built Ultron to help keep the world peaceful, but Ultron decided that the only way to have a peaceful Earth was to get rid of all the humans and rule it himself, and that Ultron killed all the people who had the potential to be a threat to him first. Betty chimes up and says that Ultron didn't kill everyone, that the Hulk is still alive, and surviving how he always did, by hiding in the desert.

The kids hadn't heard of Hulk before, and Tony explains that the Hulk is a fierce, strong monster, and might be able to take on Ultron. Francis is reluctant to help them go to the Hulk, since Tony is responsible for Ultron, and asks Tony if his father would have helped. To which Tony responds 'Clint? He would have punched me in the face. Then he would have helped me'. That convinces Francis to help Tony, since Tony clearly knew his dad.

Francis says they have a deactivated robot transport, but that it'll alert Ultron as soon as they activate it. Tony says that won't be a problem. The kids plus Betty, Tony, and the Vision's inert head take a trip to the desert in the robot transport.

During the flight out James and Francis get to know one another. Francis explains that the reason he went back for them at Ultron's citadel was because he was responsible for the Scavengers, but it was only a matter of time before Ultron killed them all, so that if there was even a slight chance James and the others could beat Ultron he needed to help them.

They find Bruce Banner, but he isn't willing to help them. James concocts a brilliant plan, and tells the other kids that if they can't bring the Hulk to Ultron, they need to bring Ultron to the Hulk, and says Pym should rewire the vehicle they flew there in. James also gives a rousing speech about how they are their parents legacy and need to stop Ultron.

It takes some convincing on James' part, but he convinces all but Torunn. Pym rewires the ship and Azari uses his electric powers to power it up and alert Ultron to their location. Tony finds the kids in the powered machine, and asks them what they've done. To which James responds 'what our parents would have done'. They then go to tell Bruce about James' plan. Bruce responds by trying to strangle James, and Tony has to pry him off.

Torunn begs her father to lend her his strength, and Thor returns her sword, which had been lost in Ultra City, to her. Torunn takes this as a sign that she is meant to fight alongside the others, thanks her father.

Tony gives the children some pointers on how to destroy the Iron Avengers, and some advice on how to handle the upcoming battle. Torunn rejoins them at the end of Tony's briefing, just before the Iron Avengers arrive, starting with Giant Man, who knocks them all out of the cave.

During the fight, Tony is knocked unconscious and James has to save him from falling down a cliff side to his death. The children fight together well, with James giving the occasional order. James takes out Iron Captain America, but his energy shield is destroyed right after by Iron Black Widow, and he reclaims his father's metal shield to fight against her.

Pym manages to take out Giant Man while a giant himself, and is then bombarded with a swarm of small robot versions of his mom (the Wasp). James directs Pym to go make the Hulk angry, and then finds that his robot dad has gotten up. Pym repeatedly stings Bruce to bring out the Hulk, and Pym's robot moms attack Bruce and finally make him transform.

The sound of the Hulk roaring makes the battle outside pause, as children and robots freeze momentarily and look towards the cave. Hulk smashes the some of the Iron Avengers in time for Ultron to show up. Ultron and the Hulk face off, but the Hulk falls to Ultron.

Ultron blasts the children, but they all dodge, and Pym flies in to attack. The kids try their own offensive, but it's ineffective. Pym implores the Hulk to get up and help them, and then finally says Ultron said he was stronger than the Hulk, among other insults.

Ultron has James pinned down, deflecting a beam attack with his shield, when the Hulk gets up and smashes Ultron. Repeatedly, and then rips him in half before declaring himself the strongest there is.

Hulk goes towards the kids and is about to grab Pym when Betty calls his name. Hulk finally says 'Shrinking boy no sting Hulk anymore' and Pym promises not to. Hulk jumps over to Betty, picks her up, and they leave together.

Tony has woken up, and says it's not over, and says Ultron will repair himself. If there's enough left he'll always come back. Torunn says that then they'll just have to take him somewhere he can't repair himself. Torunn flies off while James shouts at her, going into space and tossing Ultron's pieces away from Earth before she starts to succumb to the cold void.

Thor brings her to the bitfrost bridge to save her, and she chooses to go home to her family on Earth rather than to Asgard. Thor sends her home in a new suit of armor with the promise that when the time comes she will be welcomed in Asgard.

James and the others are waiting around, wondering what happened to Torunn, when she appears in a bolt of lightning. Torunn simply tells them her dad says hi.

Francis points out they're not done yet, and that there are about ten thousand robots left in Ultra City that need to be taken care of. Tony asks if they're up for Avenging, and James uses his father's line of "Avengers Assemble", and they go back to Ultra City.

Wiping out ten thousand robots takes time, but they manage it with help from the scavengers.

personality: James' initial rebellious nature and frustration stemmed from his dislike of doing nothing. He felt helpless to do anything about Ultron, or about what was happening, and that bothered him. It was something that Tony pointed out he had in common with his father, and James does seem to share a number of traits with his father, a man he never knew.

The fact that James never knew his father is a huge sore point for him. He'd do almost anything to hear his voice, or see his face. All he's had are Tony's stories about his parents, and training to follow in their footsteps, particularly his father's, as he was taught to throw a shield at an early age. In fact, the level of admiration and hero-worship all the children have for their parents might be a little unhealthy. In their minds, they've had an impossible standard built up.

He isn't always the most talkative person, but that stemmed a lot from his frustration during his later teenage years. He can say a lot, and be quite opinionated, when he wants to be. He's likely to be more talkative and social now, as he's mostly gotten over his moody rebellious phase.

James can also be a little cruel and vindictive sometimes. He'll poke at the sore points of others if he's unhappy, as he did when he told Torunn there was no point for him to train because his parents were dead, but that she still had hope because hers only abandoned her.

Despite his occasionally hurtful words, James cares deeply about his family, and has taken it upon himself to be the responsible one, which is why he's quick to blame himself if something goes wrong. Since his father was the leader of the Avengers, James views it as his job to lead the new team of Avengers. He's more than ready to offer direction or reassurance during a fight, and frequently does both with Pym, who is the youngest, and least secure in his abilities.

James, once he finally accepts that there is something he can do, and that there was a point to it all, is very passionate about doing what's right and upholding his parents legacy, and the legacy of the Avengers. When presented the choice of following the rules or doing what's right, James would do what's right every time.


The extent to which James inherited his parents super soldier abilities is never explicitly stated. However, given the incredibly acrobatic ability he displays, his fast reflexes, and the fact that he can hold his own with Torunn, shield to sword, indicate that he inherited a good deal of them. There's also a strong trend in Marvel of the super soldier effect being fully inherited by offspring.

His strength and speed have probably not reached their full levels yet, but James is probably as strong, or stronger, than most adult men who have no powers, and his speed and reflexes definitely approach or surpass peak human abilities.

He also probably has the metabolic traits of supersoldiers, which includes an inability to get drunk, and a resistance or immunity to most diseases and toxins. Part of this metabolism also includes healing and recovering more quickly, and excellent stamina.

James displays some knowledge of gymnastic and acrobatic moves, he's incredibly graceful at times, and has excellent balance and positional awareness. He has also shown great skill at wielding his father's shield, throwing and hitting targets and catching it again with ease. Most of James' training focused on combat, but there was also a lot of stealth training and pursuit training disguised in games of hide and seek and tag.

He's also very well versed in unarmed hand to hand combat, even if he's likely not as good with it as he is with the shield. James learns and adapts quickly, and this and his budding tactical abilities are related to the enhanced mental abilities brought about by the super soldier status he inherited from his parents. He thinks faster and more efficiently, and has more acute senses.

first person sample:

[The audio comes on and there's the sound of something rubbing across the microphone. He's speaking and it's hard to hear over other sounds, mainly because he keeps bumping the microphone with his hand. There are no cell phones in the post-apocalyptic future]

-thing even works- ........-much trouble when I get-
........-ome kind of trick?-.........-even works-.......-Pym when you nee-
...-little light mean-

[Whatever was against the microphone as moved, but it sounds like James is talking from too far away.]

Hello? Can anyone hear me? I don't know what's going on here, but I want answers. I want to know where I am, and how I was brought here, and I want to be sent back right now.

If the rest of you are here too, we need to find each other. I don't know where -

Where am I?

third person sample: Past experience told James when someone said 'I'll be right behind you' what they really meant was 'Run away, I'm going to hold them off for as long as I can'. James opened his mouth to argue, but then decided against it. If he tried to stay and argue, it'd just waste time with them standing around trying to get him to leave and not trying to deal with the enemy.

Maybe a short retreat would be better. He could let everyone think he was leaving. He didn't think he would be chased, but he wasn't just going to run away from a fight when he could help. The city was an interesting environment to say the least. So many places to climb, buildings and objects to duck behind. Much different from fighting in the forest or desert.

James took off, away from the fighting. The buildings around here weren't as tall as they were near the center of the city, 'downtown'. The largest was three stories. James ducked around the corner of it, leaving the sounds of gunshots behind him. He slid the shield onto his back and jumped up to grab the first floor fire escape stairs. He went up only to the second floor before jumping onto the roof of an adjacent building.

He really did not like robots. Sure, there were good robots, like Vision, but there were bad robots too. James had encountered more evil robots than good robots, and he had no problems dealing with the bad ones. Apparently this place had a robot problem too. James looked out from his hiding spot behind an air conditioning unit. The flying battle was staying mostly near the ground, with only the occasional hero and robot group breaking off for an air chase. He grabbed the shield off his back and lined it up, taking aim at a flying robot that was about to dive at some people behind a truck.

The shield took off its head before bouncing off and coming back up in a steep curve towards James. At least no one had noticed there was more than one shield being thrown yet. Or they were too busy to say anything about it right now. That was fine, he could tell them how stupid it was to try to send him away after they were done fighting robots.

case no: 05-30-25
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