Jul 01, 2005 10:05

so much god damn frustration & I have nothing to take it out on.

people have become so ridiculous it makes me sick to my stomach.

friends jacking friends, fuckers trying to jack homies. ..
it makes me want to pull my fucking hair out.

last night, for the first time,
I was overcome with this completely disgusting feeling,
& for a minute I felt like I had the power to kill something.

that may sound ridiculous,
but I had to calm myself down because I wanted to hit that motherfucker over the head so coldly.. .
so I left & I didn't turn back.

It's weird when all you have is the memory of someone from preschool,
& the next thing you know they think they're the shit because they grew up tall.

that deuche doesn't know what he has coming.

♥ ♥
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