Your full name: Hillary
Height: 5'1"
Weight: no one cares
Natural hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: blue
Number of siblings: 1
Glasses/Contacts: nope
Tattoos: nope
Braces: fuck you.
Colour: green, black, blue
Band: not available
Stuffed animal: Gumalum
TV Show: Gilmore Girls
Movie: Garden State
Book: House of Leaves
Game on a cell phone: bowling, hell yes.
CD Cover: ani difranco- Knuckle down
Flower: daffodils
Scent: Vanilla
Animal: Zebras and penguins
Website: toothpastefordinner and postsecret
Do You
Play an instrment: el piano
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week: uhh don't have that much time
Like to Sing: sure, but I'm not good at it.
Have a job: not at the moment
Have a cell phone: yes
Like to play sports: not at all
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
Live somewhere NOT in the United States: no
Have more tahn 5 TVs in your house: nope
Have any special talents/skills: I can make myself burp.
Exercise daily: working on it
Like school: sometimes
Can You
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes: for half a second
Speak any other languages: nope
Go a day without food: I COULD but I don't.
Stay up for more than 24 hours: that I can.
Roll your tongue: definitely
Eat a whole pizza: nope
Have You Ever
Snuck out of the house: it's just not possible
Cried to get out of trouble: many a time
Gotten lost in your city: I get lost everywhere.
Seen a shooting star: yes
Been to any country besides the United States: france and england
Had serious surgery: nope
Stolen something important to someone else: umm no.
Solved a rubix cube: nope
Gone out in public in your pajamas: many, many times. Like today.
Cried over a girl: yes
Cried over a boy: yes
Kissed a random stranger: no
Hugged a random stranger: probably
Been in a fist fight: nope
Been arrested: nope
Done drugs: no
Had alcohol: yeah
Laughed and had milk come out your nose: yeah, diet coke.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator: NO
Gone to school only to find you had a day off because of a holiday etc: nope
Swore at your parents: by accident.
Been to warped tour: nope
Kicked a guy where it hurts: yeah
Been in love: who the hell knows.
Been close to love: fuck you!
Been to a casino: im not legal.
Ran over an animal an killed it: practically. stupid animals.
Broken a bone: my arm
Gotten stitches: no
Had a water balloon fight in winter: that sounds terrible
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: uhh no
Made homemade muffins: yes
Bitten someone: yep
Been to Disneyland/Disney World: yes
More than 5 times: no, 3
Gone to Niagara Falls: nope
Gotten the chicken pox: nope
When's the last time you
Brushed your teeth: this morning
Went to the bathroom: like an hour ago
Saw a movie in theatres: christmas day
Read a book: yesterday
Had a snow day: 4 years ago?
Had a party: not for a long time
Had a slumber party: ditto
Made fun of someone: today
Tripped in front of someone: I fell over today. In front of Lauren and Kate.
Went to the grocery store: I went to walgreens today
Got sick: when am I not sick
Cursed: today
Pick One
Fruit/Vegetables: fruit
Black/White: black
Lights on/Lights off: Lights off
TV/Movie: Movie
Car/Truck: Car
Body spray/Lotion: body spray
Cash/Check: Cash
Pillows/Blankets: blankets
Headache/Stomach ache: Headache
Paint/Charcoal: Paint
Chinese food/Mexican food: Chinese
Summer/Winter: summer
Snow/Rain: both
Fog/Mist: fog
Rock/Rap: both
Meat/Vegetarian: vegetarian
Boy/Girl: Girl
Chocolate/Vanilla: vanilla
Sprinkles/Icing: Icing
Cake/Pie: Cake
French Toast/French Fries: French toast
Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries
Ocean/Swimming Pool: ocean
Hugs/Kisses: Hugs
Cookies/Muffins: Cookies
Wallet/Pocket: pocket
Window/Door: window
Emo/Goth: NEITHER.
Pink/Purple: NEITHER.
Cat/Dog: Dog
Long sleeve/Short sleeve: Short
Pants/shorts: Pants
Winter break/spring break: Winter
Spring/autumn: spring
Clouds/clear sky: Clear Sky
Moon/mars: Moon
How many friends do you have: enough
What are their names: stupid question
Have you ever liked one of your friends in "that" way: no never! not once! in my whole entire life!
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends: probably girl
Have you ever lost a friend: yea
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend: yeah
Have you ever gotten into a big argument with a friend: umm yeah.
What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a friend: i don't know why i fill out surveys.
What's the nicest thing a friend has ever one for you: many a thing
Do you miss any of your old friends: of course
What friend have you known the longest: Kyle, Lauren, KATE since preschool.
Do you regret anything you've done to a friend: many things
If so, what is it: put them through hard things unintentionally
How often do you spend time with your friends: as much as possible
Has a friend of yours ever died: not really
What's the dumbest thing you've done with a friend: I'm done many MANY dumb things.
What do you think your friends think of you: HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?
Silly Stuff
What's your favourite genre of music: anything
What time is it now: 1:47 am
What day is it: Sunday
When's the last time you called someone: tonight
How much money do you have right now: not much
Are you hungry: nope
What'cha doin': doing this, talking to some people, trying to stay up til 3, listening to music
Do you like parades: no, too early.
Do you like the moon: yeah
What are you going to do when you're done with this: find something to occupy my time
If you could have any magical power what would it be: invisibility
Have you ever had a picnic: yeah
Did you have one of those skip-its when you were young: yeah!
What about sock 'em boppers: yeah!
Are you wearing socks right now: no
Do You Think You Are
Funny: sometimes
Pretty: not really
Sarcastic: yeah
Lazy: uber yeah
Hyper: pretty much all the time
Evil: i don't like community service, is that slightly evil?
Smart: sometimes, sometimes not
Strong: yep
Taleted: nope
Dorky: yeah
For or Against
Suicide: what the hell.
Love: stupid survey
Drunk Drivers: I HATE SURVEYS
Airplanes: for? hahaha?
War: depends on the situation
Canada: for?
United States: For
Rock music: For
Gay Marriage: For
School: For
Surveys: against, god dam it.
Parents: For
Cars: For
Would you Ever
Sky Dive: maybe
Play strip poker: yeah
Run Away: probably
Curse at a teacher: if they were assholes
Not take a shower for a week: if i had to
Ask someone out: sure
Lie to someone to make them think better of you: probably
Visit a foreign country for more than a month: definitely
Go scuba diving: yeah
Write a book: yeah
Become a rock star: uhh no