today was better than the rest because i . . .
- kicked some butt on my stat test.
- had an effing SUB in spanish, holy moley.
- ALMOST won an incredible pen in the most bizarre competition of my life.
- ALMOST mooched an incredible pen in the most bizarre conversation of my life.
- did nothing in business, shocker. and got the roll-y chairs.
- didn't have ben folds cancel on me. oh wait, that was tuesday.
- made $20.
- involved myself in the most bizarre chorus rehersal of my life.
- realized how many juniors i love, love, love.
- had a suprisingly good time after school.
- dodged FIVE phone calls from my stalker-lady i don't actually tutor.
- did almost nothing in school today.
- didn't rush home to finish my first draft of my prescribed title.
- had seriously amazing spaghetti for dinner.
- etc.etc.etc.etc.
i think my life is running out too quickly because i only write in lists now. wtf. what ever happened to paragraphs ?! and my goal not to say "fuck" or similar derivations (save for "effing" since "effing" is on a WHOLE other level) ?!