Leeru89: matt has a 5 step plan to get you guys with us
mattnificent3: we are hardcore best buds
mattnificent3: dude
mattnificent3: do u realise
mattnificent3: you've become everything you were against???
carrottop 0 1 9: senior year apparently rips away everything u stand for
mattnificent3: eh
mattnificent3: i think its just you
mattnificent3: ripping away everything you stand for
mattnificent3: everything u were
mattnificent3: there was pre-myspace meghan
mattnificent3: and post meghan
mattnificent3: and i was your best friend in post myspace stage
mattnificent3: they make u say u wanna delete it like 5 times
carrottop 0 1 9: they actually give it as an option?
mattnificent3: uh yeah
carrottop 0 1 9: thats fair of them
carrottop 0 1 9: i feel like they aren't delete-able
mattnificent3: but u have to be like
mattnificent3: click the delete account thing
mattnificent3: ARE YOY SURE? yes, no
mattnificent3: you click yes
mattnificent3: then there like YOUR DELETING YOU ACCOUNT ARE U SURE
mattnificent3: your like yes
mattnificent3: then they send u an email
mattnificent3: with a link
mattnificent3: that they say you will delete your account
mattnificent3: and then u click the link
mattnificent3: and then
mattnificent3: there likwe
mattnificent3: and your like yed
mattnificent3: and then there like
mattnificent3: before you do
mattnificent3: fill out this thing
mattnificent3: on ehy ur deletining it
mattnificent3: and then finally
mattnificent3: it gets deleted
carrottop 0 1 9: holey moley.
mattnificent3: that way
mattnificent3: by sunday
mattnificent3: i wont look like a n00b
mattnificent3: eh if i dont
mattnificent3: its cause i partied till late friday
mattnificent3: bitches need to get paid meghan
mattnificent3: they cant party all day
mattnificent3: clock in clock out
carrottop 0 1 9: at least youre looking out for the bitches welfare
mattnificent3: there bitches, they look out for their own welfare
mattnificent3: you know who needs somr love meghan?
mattnificent3: the semi colon
mattnificent3: were discussing grammer at midnight
mattnificent3: wowzers
carrottop 0 1 9: it's clearly just signs that we put off this friendship for too long
mattnificent3: or the sign
mattnificent3: that im better then intro
mattnificent3: id kill steve
mattnificent3: theres no jealousy of steve either
mattnificent3: just hatred
mattnificent3: the only ounce of jealousy is that i dont have my camera
carrottop 0 1 9: silly matt, always threatening to kill people.
mattnificent3: the horrible thing
carrottop 0 1 9: i'm gonna translate that all as "gee meg, i'm so glad we're friends - it's swell! and if for some reason there was a horrible person in the world (which is not necessarily my best friend) i would not be nice to them !"
mattnificent3: will be when you find out that i actually did it
carrottop 0 1 9: it's likee you're saying something nice to me. but really i would hope you'd never kill me
carrottop 0 1 9: its basically the minimum requirement before i make a new friend
stev eta cularr8: hahahaha
stev eta cularr8: well thats understandable
carrottop 0 1 9: you were iffy for awhile though
carrottop 0 1 9: due to the whole all my fake pictures have guns in them
stev eta cularr8: hahaha what can i say
stev eta cularr8: im compensating for something.
carrottop 0 1 9: nicee vocab mr. intro
stev eta cularr8: thanks
stev eta cularr8: sat.
carrottop 0 1 9: i hate when names are spelled wrong bc i hate when people get my name wrong
carrottop 0 1 9: it killss me
stev eta cularr8: meghan?
stev eta cularr8: tell me im right
carrottop 0 1 9: ahh. now we're best friends forever and ever <3
carrottop 0 1 9: there's no ditching me
carrottop 0 1 9: people forget the H
stev eta cularr8: not big steveo
carrottop 0 1 9: did u just call urself big steveo?
stev eta cularr8: hahhaha
stev eta cularr8: maybe.
carrottop 0 1 9: i'm happy u got my name right and all on your own. but big steveo..?
stev eta cularr8: lol
stev eta cularr8: only sometimes
stev eta cularr8: just to feel tough
carrottop 0 1 9: hah i know i'm really intimidating and all. and u need to try to prove yourself as a man, but it's not necessary here steve
stev eta cularr8: well it is
stev eta cularr8: its a...man thing.
carrottop 0 1 9: don't let the sats pressure you into spelling right
stev eta cularr8: i wont
stev eta cularr8: ill stab the sats
carrottop 0 1 9: okay. coming from an SAT veteran. im telling u with experience and all your best interests in mind..
carrottop 0 1 9: that might not be the BEST approach
carrottop 0 1 9: but you can give it a shot
stev eta cularr8: lol
stev eta cularr8: nice pun
stev eta cularr8: shot
stev eta cularr8: stab
stev eta cularr8: gun
stev eta cularr8: violence
carrottop 0 1 9: ack ! i meant to do that.
stev eta cularr8: my target exclusive darth vader fig is already up to 40
carrottop 0 1 9: stev eta cularr8: my target exclusive darth vader -f-i-g- doll is already up to 40
stev eta cularr8: its an action figure!
stev eta cularr8: ok well
stev eta cularr8: my comp wallpaper is sw
stev eta cularr8: i do have a butload of figs
stev eta cularr8: but my wallpaper in my room is reg
carrottop 0 1 9: .. yuo don't actually own a star wars outfit, right
stev eta cularr8: lol no
carrottop 0 1 9: like hardcore
carrottop 0 1 9: full out outfit
stev eta cularr8: lol you gotta see all them
stev eta cularr8: i have some lotr and spidey also
carrottop 0 1 9: youre like a different species
carrottop 0 1 9: nightt
carrottop 0 1 9: qt / big steveo