Guess who~

Jan 04, 2011 15:19

❖Player’s Info❖
Name: YeonAh
LJ: yeonah
IM handles: eternalmagnae

❖Character’s Info❖
Name: Park JungMin
Group/Solo: SS501
LJ: carrotmin
Race: Shapeshifter
Age: 20
To this day, JungMin is still a little confused on whether he actually knew his parents or not. Most of what he could remember was being alone, from the age of three up, often in the care of various groups of races. But sometimes he could recall familiar figures, animals that seemed far too similar to ones he'd seen before, tiny critters who never came close but always seemed to be watching just in case. Most of the time he lets the matter rest, but he will still smile if such an animal comes into his vision and greet them as if he knew.

Never one to sit still for long, JungMin was always off doing something, whether it was exploring, playing games, or getting into trouble. Both the harmless, and the deadly sort of trouble. He always reflected it was a good thing he could shapeshift, it make it so much harder to catch him, even if he needed to turn into a cricket to escape.

Out of those he knew, JungMin braved the city of Seoul the most. Curious about the Porters and their nature, he often snuck into the city to watch them, as much as he dared. He hadn't reached the center of the city yet, but he says one day he will.

JungMin likes company, but the degree to which he likes it is complicated. He will seek out others, chatter endlessly or until they threaten to cut his tongue out, and even flirt with them if he's in a good mood. But at the very idea of a true, solid relationship, friendship or otherwise, he balks. He doesn't understand it, and doesn't want to understand it, doesn't want to have to deal with all the baggage a relationship of any kind created. It is a fear of the unknown; he can handle all the dangerous situations you could imagine, walk straight into a lion's den with his head high, but this unknown was not something he ever learned to deal with, and it's doubtful he ever will.

❖RP Sample❖
One thing JungMin had figured out was that it was hard to climb buildings when you lacked opposable thumbs.

Pawing at the wall in annoyance, JungMin wrinkled his muzzle before glancing around to make sure no one was watching. Once he was certain the coast was clear, the dog disappeared and was replaced with a squirrel. Much better.

It wasn't so much like his usual trips into Seoul as he was bored and wanted to be off the ground. Of course, he could have just turned into a bird and flown to the top of the building, but where was the fun in that? He could have also remained in his more human form, but with the Porters around that wasn't a good idea. JungMin had fallen while trying to shapeshift before, and nearly broken an arm that way. He could deal with a bushy tail for the time it took to get up there.

It was slow going, but the adrenaline was worth it, and soon the squirrel was transferring himself from building to building, running over wires and tree branches. It took a while to reach the roof by this roundabout method, and he was tired by the time he did. Flopping over for a moment, JungMin shook his head and listened to make sure the area was clear before shifting back.

"Porters need to ramp up their security a little, if a squirrel can get through," he grinned as he brushed red hair out of his face, and sneezed. Standing up was just asking to be shot, so he just sat there on the roof watching the clouds above-head and the tops of the skyscrapers. He wondered if there was anyone else willing to break past the edge of the city to take a look at what once was. Probably not.

But he didn't want to head back down right away, so he just sat there, watching the world.



Getting close to anyone

❖Random Facts❖
JungMin's most common forms are a young man with bright red hair, a squirrel with red fur, and a mustang horse. He will take on other forms at need, such as a dog or a bird, but he prefers those three.


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