❧ second [dream / accidental video]

Dec 11, 2009 17:45

The sky is black with a darkness that covers the eloquent setting of a tea party, where Elliot lays unconscious. His eyes open and he glances around- his body feels heavy, like the sky is pushing down on him. With effort, he rises, looking around.

This place is Blood's Mansion- in the gardens, where the tea parties are held. It's too dark to see clearly- or maybe now, it's just that his eyelids are under the same weight that the rest of his body is. His hand touches the white table cloth and he looks around. Something just doesn't seem right. Even at midnight, the sky is never this bleary. It felt like he had been drugged.

A great flash of light bursts in the distance, and opens his eyes enough to notice a familiar hat's silhouette, stabbed through with a sword.

Blood's top hat rolled to the ground in front of the startled rabbit. His eyes look up; the scene lightens a bit, as if slowly changing to sunset. The sky turns dark red. When he sees the person who had mutilated Blood's favorite hat so disrespectfully, he grits his teeth.

"Ace!" He shouts, trying to find his watch on his chain, but it's not there. A surge of alarm jolts through his nerves. The figure at the top of the hill laughs darkly.

"Join me," he says with a smile. "With a nice guy like you on my side, I'll never be lost again!"

"Never!" Elliot swings his arm out dramatically and glares. "I'll never join you!"

"You don't have a choice, though," Ace says with a hint of confusion. "Hey, can you bring him here?"

For a moment, Elliot thinks that Ace has lost his mind. He's just talking to himself. What a joke. ...until behind Ace, the figure of a carrot appears. A solid, orange carrot, with arms, legs, and a sword similar to Ace's. And then another carrot appears. And another...and another. Soon, there are hundreds of carrots rushing down at Elliot from behind Ace. Elliot's eyes widen and without a weapon, he turns and begins to run. The pressure on his body makes running quite a challenge, however.

He falls on his stomach and grits his teeth together.


DAMN IT, ACE! [ Elliot's eyes shoot open as fast as his mouth does, and he sits up quickly, placing a hand on his head. A brief look-around settles him- no carrots, no Ace... thank goodness. He falls back onto the mattress, glaring up at the ceiling. ]

....I hate carrots...

blood dupre, ace, .dream

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