Sep 07, 2005 21:31
I don't wanna do my damn Spanish homework because it's busy-work and although I think I'll learn something from it I still don't wanna do it. I've watched 3 episodes of QAF today and yesterday I ordered the 2nd season online and I ate like a pregnant woman (a ton!) today which includes bread, cereal, an apple, 2 fig newtons, ice cream, candy at the Chem hearth, Easy Mac, cheese, juice, tea, and a bunch of other junk I'm sure. I also am in one of my moods where I can't manage a coherent sentence but I'm not going to say I'm sorry because I crack myself up. I had a make-up Biochem lecture today and it's a Wednesday and I NEVER have science classes in the afternoons on Wednesdays so that rocked my world in a bad way. I love Evolutionary Bio and Human Anat so much because they both rock but my Spanish and Biochem classes are going to kick my ass. I'm actually afraid I'll get a grade less than an A in my Spanish class because it's so difficult and Dani and I sort of screwed up our presentation thingy yesterday in front of Prof. Blanco-Arnejo and the whole class and she gently berated us afterward for not being well enough prepared. Damn it I need to go to sleep or drink a Hornsby's. Yum. Goodnight all. I really find this free-flow writing to be therapeutic, but I have never continued on so far as to write what I'm supposedly feeling at the core of my being. I think I'd have to type for another 37 minutes to do that. Anyhoo yeah, byebye.