Middle of the roadOne my curious pastimes is to every year join the
ILX fantasy football league, and even though I rarely say much - or indeed anything - there's something addictive about fucking around transferring players and the like. I don't really post much anywhere, mind you, and oft feel something vaguely fraudulent for simply joining the only league I know and forgetting to make any effort.
Generally my policy revolves around always picking my most favouritest and prettiest players of the moment (prettiness often/always = favourite), and shaking my fist at the previous effectiveness of the foul Cristiano Ronaldo (sorry, cris-TI-ANO ro-NAL-DO) for keeping him in my team, and for his horribly contorted date rapist face/crying man child/slave antics. Which is generally a poor way of doing things seeing as lots of points are lost for so many transfers, but it also pleases me.
Singles Club Anyway - this is merely a general post wondering if anybody upon this illustrious friends list of mine would like to join me and my team "le Flouncers de Flouncy" in an as yet unnamed fantasy league (currently monickered "Yaarrrrr" and set up long ago for a
barbelith league; which at it's giddy heights featured a grand total of 4 participants), for kicks and giggles and suchlike. Which you can do so by heading
here and joining up, and then entering this here sequence of numerals - 209210-73256 - to join said league. Or equally, if yr in the ilx one; hello!
This feels like the unburdening of a terrible little secret.
Oh, and I haven't been posting much work recently because it's all a SECRET. Or not very good. Or I haven't done any. One of them.
So anyway, the picture's are just a shitty little comic as well as the Singles Club illustrations for Plan B which I did recently.