It's been a long time since the last time a challenge or bunny has been posted on this community. But here I am now with a spanking new challenge for any and everyone to take on.
Song Fic Duels a new challenge:
Is quite simple. You pick a song, any song at all that tickles you or think it would be interesting to do something with, then you pick someone on the list of people willing to participate: hence the duel part. You and your 'opponent' have both to come up with a bunny for that song and write it.
So far I am not clear on how long you can take to write and finish 'dueling'.
All stories will be posted at
cl_post and anyother places you would like to, just make sure you link it to the Song Fic Duels
So if you feel lucky, bub, post a comment and a list will be posted shortly. ;D
Edit: You are not to write about the same bunny. You each have your own bunny.