Short Hair helps me think better. NOT.

Apr 17, 2012 20:05

To all my misery; I don’t know if it’s yours, but it’s definitely mine, that I snipped off my glorious lock of hair that would even put G.D.’s Boomshakala’s MV to shame. Hair Cut is a part of the deal for allowing me into a polytechnic. I thought my mother would let me off cause the entire week she has been very nice to me, but lo’ and behold, the woman made me cut this:

^ don’t I look like a cute fugly button mushroom?! 
I should probably change the username to “buttonmushroom”. D,8
I am watching Channel U’s korean drama while blogging about the first 2 days in school, so this might be a little nonsensical. > >; so please bear with me. Today was the second day of school. Republic Polytechnic is all about problem solving. It is a whole new way to learning new things, but honestly, it’s not as easy as it looks. They give you one problem and you have the whole day to solve it but, after lunch break the goddamn problem - even though not your problem, it will become your problem: YOUR ONE BIG BLOODY PROBLEM. ugh.  = =

First day of actual study and I’m already dreading the next day. I think I will be sick and tired of it very soon. Hell, I think I’m already sick and tired of it already. LOL.


Well, here’s the short update and now,
I will get out of your hair and I shall watch my Taiwan show. *^* 
*hugs all round* 
see you guys soon! :D

school, life lessons, regrets

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