I've spent all night churning out poetry and not a single one of my bloody poems comes close to rivalling this. Absolutely fucking fantastic. You should post your poems more often. I love love love it/them. The ending is superb, in particular. Just one question; who would you say are your main influences poetry-wise? (Specifically; for this poem?)
I would post more poetry, but I haven't been writing a lot lately.
This one was inspired by my english class today. We started talking about poetry and my teacher made me so angry that after class I stormed back to my room and wrote this. Hehe.
How's your past stuff? I wrote a little today... But mainly to procrastinate my (still not done) overdue analytical essay D: Blech, I got a BIG lecture for not handing that one in on time...
Oh no! What did s/he do/say?
Excellent, I'll check them out right now. I recited some ee cummings at our school Versathon last week and I thought I'd tell you as you introduced me! We also had Kate Clancy, the poet, come in to talk today (our litsoc gets quite a few good speakers), which was good.
Comments 18
I've spent all night churning out poetry and not a single one of my bloody poems comes close to rivalling this. Absolutely fucking fantastic. You should post your poems more often. I love love love it/them. The ending is superb, in particular. Just one question; who would you say are your main influences poetry-wise? (Specifically; for this poem?)
I would post more poetry, but I haven't been writing a lot lately.
This one was inspired by my english class today. We started talking about poetry and my teacher made me so angry that after class I stormed back to my room and wrote this. Hehe.
As for influences, in this there's a little bit of Steve Coleman and Thea Monyee.
How's your past stuff? I wrote a little today... But mainly to procrastinate my (still not done) overdue analytical essay D: Blech, I got a BIG lecture for not handing that one in on time...
Oh no! What did s/he do/say?
Excellent, I'll check them out right now. I recited some ee cummings at our school Versathon last week and I thought I'd tell you as you introduced me! We also had Kate Clancy, the poet, come in to talk today (our litsoc gets quite a few good speakers), which was good.
My past stuff is AWFUL, no joke. I'd love to read yours, though, I bet it's good.
She was trying to put a label on everything. And I was like "...not all poetry is like that, you know," and she didn't care at all.
Oh yay!! Which e.e. cummings?
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