Aug 10, 2005 22:01
Wow. I couldn't even write the subject of this update with out tears coming to my eyes.
I went out with steph tonight. I brought her her pudding cause she got her wisdom teeth out the other day. Well we took a trip to the polar bear. To see Kim of course!
We were there and kim asked me to call adam because he was supposed to bring a present to her at work tonight. Then sure enough adam drove up with Sam a few seconds later. Man I haven't seen him since my party! Where he and sam got together!! I feel really good about that. Kim and Steph kept talking about how hot adam looked but I just kept think "It's ADAM!" The kid I love, my bestest guy friend for the past two years. And then I thought about how much I've missed having him around for the past few months. I wonder if he is going to come see me at college next year like he said he would. I just miss having that silly guy in my life and I wish that he was around. I mean its nice to have someone of the opposite sex around now and again. Its not like I am attracted to him. (I haven't been in a long time.) He is just my friend and I miss him. We always had fun and he tells the best stories.
I guess I could try and get another close guy friend. I thought that was what I was doing with my other guy friend but no one will ever be like Adam. I just miss the good old days. Him hanging around my house, us going to the mall or up to sully's, Watching him wrestle, or eating ice cream or watching movies. Some times I feel like he is more of a big brother to me then Deggie. WE fight as much as me and Deggie. But I think the thing I liked most about me and Adam was we really spent so much time together that I use to know everything about him. All of his moods. what was up in his life and everything. With my memory that doesn't happen often cause I forget alot. But so does adam. lol
I just hope that he knows that if he ever needed me again I would be there in a heart beat no matter what. And that goes to all my friends. I may forget about dates and stuff like that but All you have to do is say the word and I'll be there. And I know that a good friend wouldn't have to even wait for the word, they are just there because they know that they are needed. And I'm trying to become that person everyday.
hear is to being a better friend...and the good old days coming around again.