Since this isn't a show that I want everyone to watch, but rather a show that is my new favorite, I say: FlashForward! This show isn't amazing, but I really enjoy watching it. I'm hoping, in my secret, dearest of hearts, that this show is a Lost tie-in. Unfortunately, it would have to mean Penny has an American twin and Charlie has an evil-scientist twin. Meh, I can still dream. Because there are totes ads for Ajira Air and Oceanic Air.
I like that there is a lesbian woman on the show who is just normal--not butch or lipstick, or any stereotype. But she's just like any other lesbian-friend that I know. That doesn't usually happen in tv shows. And then, she became my favorite character for several reasons.
My second favorite part of the show is the time-aspect. Everyone goes unconscious for like, 2+ minutes in October, and they live that 2+ minutes of their life in April of the next year. So, they see their future, and spend the next 6 months either trying to change it or trying to make sure it comes true. IT'S FASCINATING!!! And the main guy we follow is this FBI task force leader, and his flash forward shows him studying a case-board with all the information about the flashes and why they happened and who did it. So, when he snaps back into regular time, he builds his case and everything around what he saw in the future. The question becomes, is this information actually important, or is it some infinite loop where he saw it so he puts it up because he saw it. DID YOUR HEAD JUST MELT?!?!
Also, Charlie from Lost plays this little evil, genius scientist. Anyway, it's just really cool, and complicated, which means that--because it's being cancelled--the end of this season is going to be something else.
Okay, really. I just watch it for this:
A. They're both very good looking.
B. I don't usually slash people, but -- whoa!
So, don't go out and watch it, but if you are bored and have time--start at the beginning.