Drabble: The Line Drawn in the Sand

May 16, 2008 21:58

Hey kids I'm back, d'ya' miss me? *g*

Title: The Line Drawn in the Sand
Author: sistercarrion
Challenge: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Character: John Hart/ implied Jack
Rating: 15 for language
Warning/Spoilers: Set just after the events of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
I almost had you in my grasp. Gasping kisses of teeth, blood, fire. You can't tell me you don't miss this, you just can't. I felt you, familiar and home. Every punch that landed, contact of bone and muscle, breaking skin, marking me as yours all over again. Missing years leaped in seconds. The violence in the sex, and the sex in the violence. Pure, undistilled. Us.

We could scorch across galaxies you and I. Fuck our way through every pleasure this sorry universe has to offer.

Yet you push me away. Discarded. You won't get away with that, Jack.
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