May 15, 2009 14:29
Wish Challenge first section
The first 7 points of the 18 needed to gain the Wish Challenge badge (for over
16s) have to be from the first 'Make-A-Wish' section of the badge. I have
copied the options for this part and how many points these are worth below:
Find out about the history of Make-A-Wish and the story of the first wish to be
granted = 1 point
Have a look at the Make-A-Wish website and read about the latest wishes that
have been granted. Watch a Wish video = 2 points
Raise money for Make-A-Wish. Suggested ideas include filling a Make-A-Wish money
box with loose change, doing a sponsored event, holding a cake sale or coming up
with your own idea = 5 points
Collect old mobile phones from people and recycle them Make-A-Wish gets
£3.50 from every recycled phone = 5 points
Make-A-Wish grants 4 types of wish: to go, to meet, to be and to own. If you
could have one of each wish, what would it be? You can present your wishes
however you want you could do a drawing, design a poster or do a piece of
creative writing for example = 3 points
If you could have absolutely any wish granted (even the impossible!) what would
it be and why? Describe your idea wish day! = 2 points
Discussion: Do you know who Make-A-Wish grants wishes for? How do you think you
might feel if you were one of these children? What difference do you think a
wish would make? = 2 points