Feb 28, 2010 22:07
SO. Long-term subbing is something else. Suddenly I have things to grade, lessons to plan, strategies to make, and I'm quickly realizing that nobody cares about my little accomplishments but me. Well, me and other teachers, like the lady I'm subbing for 'til the end of March. It's hard to explain, though, how satisfying it is to have your plan work, to have these kids actually reach a conclusion bigger than the one they began at.
Example: "Men and women have different viewpoints in their relationships" evolving to "All people, no matter what their relationship to one another is, have different viewpoints." And it sounds so simple, but getting them to reach it on their own is an entirely different animal. I don't know. It worked excellently with fourth period, this discussion, and I'm thinking of letting fifth period have another crack at it. After all, I have to find a way to make Of Mice and Men last until the end of the month. And seeing as they're halfway through...
Yeah, no, but really. I mean, my job is the best thing on the planet. No, I know it's not really, but for me it is. I get so excited and into it and I've had kids ask me to stay on as a teacher's assistant, I've had kids point out that I'm always smiling, all the freakin' time, and that's fantastic. Also-- and this might just be in my head-- Brian and I are even more awesome. Tomorrow I meet with Miller (fiction workshop prof) to decide if it's really worth the ego-bashing and $600 to apply to creative writing programs for grad school. Or, more realistically, should I tuck that dream away in a drawer and move onto more sensible things-- that sort of issue. I know what I want to do, I just also know that it's not reasonable, that's it's not likely to get me anywhere.
...And also-also, I'm getting Real Money from long-term subbing, because I get paid more when I'm signed on for such an extended period of time. Which means that come May, when I hopefully get my apartment, it is going to be hot shit. And I'm gonna have a freakin' cat. If I could bottle my excitement and sell it, I'd have it made.