
Jul 01, 2005 13:21 case you didn't know.

So I have only one more week to work before I am officially a full-time mum, stay at home mum, housewife whatever. And I am so looking forward to it. I count it a privilege that my "career" at the moment is to look after April and our home. This juggling act of work, home, baby, work, home, baby plus a very active church life is not to be a the moment.

Miss April has talked non-stop since she got up this morning, but all I can understand is "woof", "nana", "duce", "ohhohh", "dada", "derdederder". But its cute.

She has been doing this thing today were she goes to the digital radio to fiddle with the tuner. I say "no, April" and move her away. Well the wee monkey looks over at me, a few minutes later, and starts to move over to the radio all the time keeping her twinkling eyes on me, knowing fine well that she's not to touch! She did this about 5 times!!! How do you begin to discipline such a monkey!

April is also turning into a wee climber - footstool, sofa, stairs, chairs but she will not walk by herself. She is also developing a HUGE appetite, for example she has today: Breakfast - 1 adult diet size bowl of cheerios, 4 strawberries and drink of milk. Mid-morning- banana, Lunch - 1 scrambled eggs with 1/2 tomatoe, 1 slice of toast. bunch of grapes, drink of juice! But she isn't a bit fat, infact she is quite a slim baby!

We don't have a TV but these past few days I have been wishing we did have one cos the tennis at Wimbledon is sounding fantastic! So Radio 5 has been on constantly instead.

I predict Men's final - Federer: women's final - Williams but I would like Men's- Johannson, women's - Davenport.

Yikes need to go and do some mummy type stuff involving nappies.
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