April update

Nov 30, 2004 21:11

On Saturday April was 6 months old. She is a ray of sunshine and an absolutely darling wee girl. So what can she do or is she doing?

- sit for 30 minutes before she gets tired
- can reach for the toy she wants when sitting
- can correct her balance when sitting
- is eating pureed veg and fruit
- is taking half breast milk and half formula
- is in 6-9 month clothes
- sleeps 12 - 14 hours a night
- takes at least 2 naps a day, one of an hour or 2
- wants to go back down for a nap after being up for 1 1/4 hours
- smiles at almost everyone
- waves at familiar people and if goes into a familiar room
- is beginning to try words like "boof" if she you ask her what the doggy says
- laughs really hard when tickled
- sees the joke in anything
- plays with activity centre
- rolls front to back and back to front
- reaches for anything she hasn't seen before
- smiles at herself in the mirror
- smiles at other babies or children
- takes her dummy out and can put it back in again
- sometimes cries when I go out the room
- finds "peek-a-boo" hilarious
- pulls my hair and necklace
- smiles with delight when fraserspeirs comes home from work
- is beginning to get hair over her wee bald patch
- her eyes are definitely blue
- her hair is very fair
- she has quite bad cradle cap
- no longer sits in her bouncy chair
- is almost ready to go into her buggy part of the travel system
- pulls her socks off
- loves get her bath
- loves getting her clothes and nappy off
- splashes in the water
- plays with her bath toys
- is all smiles and giggles when I go into her in the morning
- will manouvre herself about the cot
- plays with her cot kick piano
- loves certain toys i.e smiles and reaches for them when I present them to her - Puddle, Lottie, stripy Zebra thing, Moose that brusse bought her, Susie
- cries when she is too tired
- cries when is past the hungry stage
- goes to sleep at night with no crying, no dummy, just Puddle or Baloo to cuddle, wee kiss and straight to sleep, she may talk to herself for a couple of minutes but usually she goes to sleep within seconds of being put in her cot
- will snuggle into me when I put off the light and cuddle her as I say a goodnight prayer
- enjoys getting out and about especially to the shops (a bit like her Mummy)
- sleeps in her own room (has done since about 12 weeks)
- sleeps her cot (has done since about 16 weeks)
- has an unbelieveable knack of produce foul nappies which require a full change clothes as well as a new nappy

This list is more more my benefit so I can look back at her achievements. I am going to try and up date it monthly!
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