I'm back!

Aug 13, 2004 19:33

I didn't realise it was so long since I had posted!

The April news

April has slept through the night until 7 am or later the past 3 nights! She is really tired by 6.30 pm and I have been trying to keep her up but she is getting so tired it is hard to get her settled (like 15 minutes!) so tonight we just went with her self appointed bedtime so at 7.15 she is asleep! She is such a great baby and such fun!

She was weighed on Wednesday and is a healthy 13 lbs 9 ozs. The health visitors love me cos I am one of the very few women in Inverclyde who breastfeeds! So I get loads of help and attention!

On the development front, April has discovered her hands and is sucking her fingers. Today for the first time she took the toy I had and put it in her mouth! Whoo! I love seeing her learn new stuff. She is also settling into a good routine of feeding every 3 hours and taking shorter feeds.

Carolyn news

I am on a diet. I hate diets but I am 27.5 on the BMI scale which is overweight. I am doing the slimming world diet cos you get loads to eat and I think I am taking enough calories for a breastfeeding mum.

I think I have a fat/sugar addiction, cos even though I am eating loads I am still hungry. What I actually want is a biscuit (or 10), coffee cake, scones, crusty bread and jam, chips, pizza, toasted cheese etc... I think its the texture of these foods that is so satisfying. Diet gurus lie when they say fruit is more filling than cake or chocolate cos if I have fruit I am still hungry but if I eat a piece of cake it fills me up more.

Ebay news

I am turning into a real ebay addict. I won 2 recipe books today, both slimming world recipe books. I have won quite few toys for April, the best bargain was a baby nest which I won for £8 and it costs about £25 in the shops!

Its about time I sold somethings in ebay to earn some extra cash!

I am off to church, see you later!
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