The joys of being pregnant..

May 25, 2004 18:04

... um, at 10 days overdue there isn't any! Thats not quite true cos I still enjoy feeling the baby move, I just don't like the heartburn, fatness, swollen everything anymore.

Daycare went fine. I'm fine, the baby is fine and has plenty of fluid to move in (no wonder its so comfy). The doctor said he was happy to leave me a few more days and see if I went naturally but then they probably wouldn't induce me until Monday. Thats not ideal, so he decided to start me of tomorrow. So, tonight is the last night I have at home before the baby arrives, unless it decides to come this evening. As I type I am sitting on my gym ball bouncing it up and down and trying to encourage it in the right direction.

fraserspeirs is away out for Chinese food! Whooooo! Stuff the heartburn! Water is giving me heartburn now so I will eat lovely monosodiumwhatsit and icecream tonight! Ben & Jerry's Karmel Sutra, yummmmmmmmmm!

PS - I have the best husband in the world!
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