April up date

Aug 06, 2006 21:24

April is now over 26 months and it's a while since I've done a progress report. So here goes. This is random due to lack of brain power.

- wearing 7 1/2 shoes!!!!!!
- can count to 14 and then finishes with "maids in the kitchen my plates empty" as in "1 2 buckle my shoe"
- she can count in count in context to up to 10.
- knows her colours inc orange, purple, brown, black etc. Claims her favourite is yellow.
- knows shapes - circle, square, triangle, star and kite.
- her speech is very clear.
- she speaks in well constructed sentences and asks and answers high level questioning e.g what colour is your medicine? "clear", why do you have to take it? "to make my tummy better, it's disgusting but I need to take it". 'who's going to look after me at creche?" Bec, "I like Bec".
- she loves to sing and can sing a good number of nursery rhymes, kid's songs and sunday school songs, along with actions. Today she sang me "swing low sweet chariot" with the actions, I told her that she was a lovely singer, she said "do you want me to sing it again?" cute
- her eating is up and down. She doesn't like red meat at all (except sausages), loves fish and chicken, beans, eggs and cheese. Will eat most fruit. Only veg she will eat is brocolli , peas and sweetcorn, unless it's in soup or a chicken stir fry. Doesn't like sweet stuff but loves crisps. Will eat yogurts and drink milk and all juices. Her tastes are pretty basic. Likes pasta and rice but not lasange or chilli type stuff.
- she is still in nappies and I will start toilet training in the next 2 weeks.
- we are having MAJOR problems in bowel department but I won't scar her for life by blogging it!
- she is physically adventurous but is doesn't like animals.
- she has long blonde hair that curls at the end.
- loves books, colouring in, dolls and make believe.
- at the moment she tells me she's not April, she's Topsy (as in Topsy and Tim) or somedays it's Miss Hoolie (from Balamory)
- loves swimming and quite daring
- still sleeps for up to 2 1/2 hours during the day and has gone back to sleeping 13 hours at night (woot!)
- and she is really excited about the baby in Mummy's tummy. I think we may have told her a bit early as 9 months is long enough for me never mind for a 2 year old.


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