Don't fall from your chair!! Yes, I'm talking about Without a trace, but only beacuse I made a comment on the Yahoo groups that I liked a lot *brags around* and I'd like not to waste it. Well, this explains why I don't mention I'm a slasher there!! *smirks
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I have loved and hated Jack to varying degrees - and I'm just coming back to enjoying his snarkiness, but find that it all seems to be in an attempt to woo Samantha. His handling of Viv's missing persons case will always be a source of frustration for me and my wish here is that the show would return to being an ensemble.
Vivian has stayed pretty consistent, but we've lost her storyline almost completely. We never hear about her family and I guess her heart is just fine. I wish that she could show more of her passion - her constant indulgence of Jack's antics makes her more of an enigma than a fully developed character.
Elena - I'm with you, I find it insulting that just because she is a latina, she is automatically paired with Danny. Besides, I find it hard to believe that these six people (five, since Viv is married) cannot find love interests outside of the office. But the choice of Elena for Danny seems so formulaic and so stereotypical that I am insulted. My only wish for Elena is that she would leave the show. She's a perfectly "nice" character, but has too much bad baggage associated with her.
I loved Sam in the first season and have had issues with her character ever since, although I am beginning to warm up to her again. She became the series Mary Sue - all the boys (Jack and Martin) were in love with her, she was good with a gun, she got held hostage, she got shot...and even when you realize she killed a man, Jack just lets her walk away from it. My wish for her is that she continue to grow now that she's a parent, and judging from the way she's handling Jack's advances, she seems to be doing okay.
Danny. Aw, Danny. What happened to our boy? He used to wear his heart on his sleeve and we cried when he cried. The passion that he showed when Martin was shot - where did that go? It's like Elena stole his personality away and now we have this pretty package with no substance. I will always love early seasons Danny and my fervent wish is that he'll come back to us.
And Martin - right now, his plotlines feel like crumbs tossed on the floor. He's had so much happen to him and all he gets is a rehash of "his father is powerful." I would hate to see Martin leave, but it wouldn't be the worst thing that would happen to the show (that's already happened!). My wish for him is a storyline with some depth and heart. This is the man who threw up at the sight of a tortured child - and like the rest of the characters, has become a shadow of his original self
I'm obviously passionate about WAT and I love the stories it has told and the friends it has brought to me. I don't want to watch it die a slow, painful death - I want the characters to reclaim themselves, older, yes, wiser, maybe - but with the characteristics that made us fall in love with the team.
That's my wish.
You agree with my points, plus you reminded me a couple epic scenes of the old waT and the compassionate characters we admired so much. Danny and Martin the way they were. Yes, staying in character, they couldn't go on being that emotinal, because in all these years they dealt with the worst crimes, but I hate to see them like robots, machines who automatically investigate ATMs and police archives and automatically make a face when they find out a dead victim.
That being said, if I can have some little canon relationship between Danny and Martin, I'll add the rest.
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