Jan 17, 2007 21:31
I tried to procrastinate, but today I had a better idea: I watched the episode that I was freaking out about at work, after my active shift. At my desk, wearing a earphone and pretending casual.
I'm a slasher. I am, first of all, a Danny lover. I love Martin to pieces, but Danny stole my heart. So, as in this episode there's absolutely no trace of any Danny/Martin, and we all know what this episode is about, I'll talk only about Danny.
I'll just touch the case for a moment: The first part of it, I liked it. I had to turn my head away during the scene of the eating contest cuz it was gross, but other than that I enjoyed the case. Problem is they seem not to know when to stop in explaining psychological behaviors and giving us twists.
Above all: WTF, there are plenty of these missing people found wounded, but alive. What happened to the rescued, unharmed people or dead bodies? This is starting to bug me big time.
Danny and Carlos: Carlos is Jsu Garcia, that is El Che in Lost city. He was very hot there, but apparently he put on several pounds and he's more normal than hot. Anyway, I loved their two scenes together. Try for a moment, just for a moment, to think that the woman they're talking about is NOT the Broom. There is the old friendship, the affection and the hugs, deep expressions on their faces, a good tension. Especially in the first scene, especially a very sweet and torn Danny.
The scene of the letter and the Broom calling Danny on it:
defriend me! For the first (and the last, because soon after I hated her again) time in my life I didn't dislike her acting! She showed a temper, a real one, not the 'I'm tough and sexy, you know' that she usually sports on her skinny face. I widened my eyes. But then, she returned to be Elena, and I sighed.
The last scene, aka the kiss.
When Danny goes into the room and she talks and he looks at her and she says, usual assface 'Stay out of all this' and he, lovesick, puppy-dog silly expression firmly on his face, replies 'I don't want to stay out of this. Whatevr you and Sofia need, I'll be there', I just wanted to puke. Seriously. I was sickening.
Then he kisses her, they stop showing her, they show ONLY his close-up when he's kissing whatever woman was there, and I drooled all over my keyboard. He's sooooooooooo HAWT and SWEET at the same time that I suddenly recalled WHY in the world I was still watching this show and why I had fallen for this man.
Conclusion: Danny is not getting rid of me. Danny and Martin are certainly not getting rid of me.
Somebody on the boards said that this kiss is not a sign of any beginning. Well, I watched it and my opinion is just that this kiss IS the start of their relationship. Anyway, it's not a spoiler, but only my opinion.
Screencaps of the latest episodes coming soon on this journal!!
without a trace,