I don't have much time to comment about the new episode, but I asked permission to another Danny-lover, anmodo, to host her personal comment, as I totally agree with what she said. She's not a slasher, but I think she underlined some of the main points of the ep.
Well it was the Danny episode we'd all hoped for. He was in the majority of the scenes. He definitely identified with the MP in this case and became emotionally invested. With that said, I'm still not happy with the overall writing and tone of the show. The lack of team interaction and the Elena character are killing this show for me.
What I liked:
The first scene with Danny and Jack. Yes it was painfully awkward, but I firmly believe that Danny has needed a hug since Showdown, and he finally just broke down and tried to hug Jack. Clearly, Jack is not a hugger. The fruit basket line was cute, though. I'd read about that line in a spoiler and thought it sounded out of character for Danny, but EM really made it work. I'm thinking when Danny lost his parents, he probably didn't get any hugs, well wishes or 'fruit baskets', so he is especially in tuned to try and comfort someone during times of loss.
The Danny and Martin interrogation. See I do like Martin when he is with Danny. Those scenes are great, and they are made even better when you have to compare them to Danny scenes with Elena, but I'll get to that in a minute.
Danny and the reverend. Loved how sympathetic he was with the Reverend in the beginning. And then the scene at the end when Danny sees the bible on the floor. When he gives the bible back to the Reverend and puts his hand on the man's shoulder, as if he were a priest taking a confession -- that was pretty brilliant.
Danny and Trevor - "No one makes it alone." Gosh, Danny is the sweetest character ever. How can the writers write him this way and then expect us not to be upset when we have Danny-light episodes. This just shows how dynamic his character (and the actor) is -- he can go from arrogant and cocky to sweet and concerned at the drop of a dime.
What I didn't like:
I'm not loving the Jack/Anne stuff even though the actors portrayed it very well. It's just too separate from the rest of the show. If the team or just some of the team would have showed up at the end for Jack, then I would have been happier. I just can't believe that Viv and Sam or even Danny wouldn't be there.
Elena - I don't like her at all, and Danny's scenes suffered with her in them. The scene with the Reverend at the end would have been loads more powerful if we would have actually seen a reaction from Elena. Instead, her face was just blank. Martin, Sam, Viv, or Jack all would have added to that scene, instead it had to be wooden Elena.
In no way should just two agents have been sent to meet that bus at the end. Knowing that a gang member would be confronting their MP in a crowded bus station - a whole SWAT team would have been sent in. That was just a silly scene, all the way around -- and again, Elena didn't make it any better.