and then we locked the colony in his room for christmas

Dec 23, 2011 03:54

Yo, gang.

I? I need to move across the country. And it's one of these big-assed north american countries, too, not some small one in Europe. Because of the way I'm doing it (train, a stay with grandma, then some more driving, just for kicks) it's going to end up taking a little while, and as a result, I'm going to be calling a two week hiatus for me and the nationlet here. He'll be locked up in his room starting today, the 23rd, and I'll probably let him out on January 6th.

I'm going to try backtagging when I can, and I should be on every few days, at least, but if anything important comes up you need a mod for, wave frantically in Bird's direction. If you want to get in touch with me, specifically, try a PM or finding me on plurk.

Happy holidays, to anyone with any celebrating to do, and I'll formally see you all next year!



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