7th Note ♬ Draw me closer, as if we are two magnets [ Open ]

Sep 06, 2011 02:27

WHO:  ro-eltyeir and you!
WHAT:  Big sis has been clueless and baffled and cranky and in denial about all that's going on, and how does she deal with all that?  By trying to get herself drunk (somehow) and singing the blues.
WHERE:  Level F, Karaoke Bar
WHEN:  September 6th
WARNING(S):  Attempts at alcoholism?

That even if we separate, we will reunite again )

prussia, luka megurine, canada, samus aran, south italy

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gewehrundblut September 6 2011, 19:03:25 UTC
"Trust me, none of that is gonna get you drunk." He takes a seat next to her without even a by-your-leave, leaning against the bar and studying the set-up behind it. He doesn't have to ask the reason for her misery; having noticed both Miku's disappearance as well as the fact that the I.D. plate on her door is gone, he is capable of putting two and two together.


ro_eltyeir September 7 2011, 13:09:58 UTC
She only sighs, not even looking up from her drink, which is indeed pathetically lacking alcohol, but, she laughs, humorlessly. What a time for her to meet cute guys like this, but he's as much a friend and an ally as he is some serious eye candy, and she appreciates the company. "Huh. Next time we get sent someplace else, I'm taking something with me that will."

She hadn't thought about it at the time, worried as she was for Miku's safety, but an old town in the Wild West had to have some alcohol, didn't it?


...just... ignore the keywords. XD;;;; gewehrundblut September 7 2011, 17:23:17 UTC
"Well, if ya promise to keep it a secret..." He leans in, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial stage whisper, "I might know of the location of something that can get you drunk."

Gilbert sits up straight once more, looking perhaps a bit too pleased with himself at having such knowledge. It only lasts a moment, however, because something just came to mind. "Robots can get drunk, right?" After all, that is a very important consideration.

For the record? Yes, yes it did. It was quite possibly one of the happiest days of his existence here; finding that there was still beer in the saloon in that strange town.


oh my... B)a ro_eltyeir September 7 2011, 18:13:17 UTC
She stares at him for a moment, before her expression turns to something more wicked. Well, he's sure one to cheer her up. She leans on the counter, rather…close to him. Hell yes she can get drunk-you should see her fellow Vocaloid MEIKO. "Hey, I can hold my liquor just fine." And cocking one eyebrow at him, "up to the challenge?"

Alas, a missed opportunity for drunken makeouts.


...well, to be fair... >> gewehrundblut September 8 2011, 02:01:00 UTC
"Depends." He purses his lips, trying to hide his own devious expression but most likely failing miserably. "You gonna promise to just trust me on this one, considering everything else about this place is fucked up?" After all, the source of their future inebriation is going to be a very unlikely one. That is, it's going to be a book. He'd much rather have her not look at him like he's too insane when he shows her.

Well, they can always make up for lost time.


have to make up for lost time, after all~ (B ro_eltyeir September 8 2011, 06:43:46 UTC
"All right." How silly can it be? For all she knows he'd managed to find a stash somewhere or steal some from those new guys. Besides, he's nice enough to share. "So where's this special stash of yours?"


Exactly~! gewehrundblut September 8 2011, 15:40:40 UTC
"Library. Let's go~" How silly can it be? Well, that may be a question falling under the category of 'Famous Last Words'. He hops up off of the bar stool and is about to head for the door -takes a couple steps that way, even- when he remembers that he is competing against Romano for her attention and Italians are pretty damn good at romance. Fuck. Um, just gonna turn around and offer her his hand with a sheepish grin.


ro_eltyeir September 9 2011, 09:13:57 UTC
"The-The Library?" Well, she did say she'll trust him on that one. And it would be a great place to stash that kind of stuff. Nonetheless, she gets up to follow him, smirking a little at the gesture wrapping her arms around his.

Make her day.


gewehrundblut September 10 2011, 09:00:55 UTC
"Yep. Library." It takes a bit of effort to keep his grin cocky and not nervous, but he somehow manages it. Along the way, he does make sure to get all the doors for her, trying in every way to out-gentleman Italy and likely failing hilariously at it considering how he keeps trying to go through doorways first and such. "There's actually a lot of variety and you'll definitely get drunk, but it's seriously unconventional and the story about how I found it is really unawesome and boring but if you wanna hear it just let me know."

Whenever they get there, he'll be heading straight to one of the bookshelves in the back, stretching up to reach one on the top shelf. It looks old and well read, with an index on the back. If she was expecting anything to happen such as the bookshelf moving to reveal a secret room or somesuch, however, she would be sorely mistaken.


ro_eltyeir September 10 2011, 09:58:22 UTC
And she's nothing if not amused and awfully flattered by all of it. Romano's suave, but this guy's a different flavor of hot, and she returns his looks with flirtatious ones of her own. He may not know how to treat a girl properly, but she can appreciate the effort.

"My, you must've gotten a lot-" Oh. Well, it's big enough to hold a bottle of something maybe.


gewehrundblut September 10 2011, 19:44:33 UTC
"Remember how this place is really fucked up beyond words? Where they give us a bar but no booze? Never mind the experiments and shit." He rubs the back of his neck a bit nervously before continuing; holding the book up and gesturing to the index on the back. If she cares to note, it lists different categories of alcohol. "Apparently in their infinite insanity, they've decided that while we can't get drunk normally, if we're not above... um... how do I put this...?" Pinching the bridge of his nose here for a bit while he thinks.

"Basicallythepagesofthebookwillgetyoudrunkifyoulickthem." Now, to see how she reacts to being told that they have to lick the book to get drunk.


ro_eltyeir September 11 2011, 09:27:42 UTC
Wow, that thing really looks old. Makes her wonder how long this asylum's been around, but it's better for her not to think about that…

She looks at him curiously for a moment, not quite registering what he just said. Since there isn't any stash in sight, she is beginning to suspect something strange, even if after all she did say that she trusts him.

So clearly this awkwardness has to be drawn out some more: "Run that by me again?"


gewehrundblut September 11 2011, 12:45:48 UTC
He was afraid of that. With a quiet clearing of his throat, he repeats himself slightly slower. "The pages of the book. Is where the booze is. You have to lick the book. And it doesn't work if you tear the page." He said this place was fucking weird, didn't he? "As to how I found this out, since I am way too awesome to go around licking books, I fell asleep on it." Which is the truth. It's a really boring and slightly depressing read otherwise, so he nodded off and faceplanted into the book.


ro_eltyeir September 11 2011, 16:18:00 UTC
She blinks. Sometimes it's hard to tell if the people she's talking to were actually sane (the presence of a certain Medic making it even more difficult to ascertain). But she'd always thought that at least he was-but then again this place is-

What is even happening in here? She frowns at him for a moment, her expression growing more intense the longer she holds it back before she finally bursts out laughing.


gewehrundblut September 11 2011, 19:39:41 UTC
"H-halte die Fresse!" He looks away, distinctly embarrassed. Ugh. He knew he shouldn't have brought it up. Great, now he looks stupid and unawesome and crazy. She's probably going to tell someone about this and then Romano will find out and how could he have been so stupid to even suggest this?!

The book gets shoved haphazardly back onto a shelf and he makes a very dignified, strategic, and, above all, swift advance towards the door. (In other words, he's fleeing, proverbial tail between his legs.)


ro_eltyeir September 12 2011, 13:41:49 UTC
She does manage to compose herself in time. This is-This is so absurd, but she doesn't think any less of him for it. On the contrary, it's kind of cute. And she did promise him she'd trust him, whether or not that bit about licking the book will really work.

She moves forward, reaching out to catch him by the sleeve. "Hey, just where do you think you're going?"


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