1st Stoplight = [Audio]

Dec 22, 2011 01:24

[There are some few taps on the PC's mic before Monoko starts speaking.]

Anh, hm... Hello. This is how this thing works, right? I never got used to computers back home...

Well, my name's Monoko. I... I'm not sure why I'm here in this place. I mean, it's great to be alive and all but... this place is a little bit unsettling. [She pauses for a ( Read more... )

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[Audio] wwrathofangels December 23 2011, 03:46:11 UTC
::He goes with audio just so she can't see him rubbing his hands together gleefully, though she may hear a weird shuffly noise in the background.::

WWelcome to the asylum! Since it seems like only Kan has really explained wwhat that kind a entails I'd offer you wwhat adwice an' knowwledge I can, but I can't say I knoww that much either other than there's some kind a freaky computer wwhat thinks it's fun to trap us all in a room an' force us to do arts an' crafts an' shit.

I'm still gettin' glitter out a my hair.


[Audio] red_means_g0 December 23 2011, 03:51:39 UTC
Ah, yes, Kanaya told me a little about this place, and that we are close to Christmas.


I didn't know about the arts and crafts though. [This really doesn't sound so bad. I mean, except for the crazy medic guy she heard about, everything sounds pretty tame around that place.]


[Audio] wwrathofangels December 23 2011, 03:58:50 UTC
::Oh, so Andrea didn't tell her that a certain fishtroll by the name of Eridan killed her, then? Good to know, good to know.::

It wwas... wwell they wwouldn't let us out until eweryone made some kind a ornament or wwhatewer for the holiday tree, wwhich wwas really fuckin' pointless an' stupid. An' maybe just a little bit fun but wwhoewer decided to put that much glitter in the room is in greater need a therapy than most a us here considerin' it wwas really shiny an' sparkly an' there's a wwiggler here an' all, an' a course wwigglers are all drawwn to that sort a shit so he threww it ewerywwhere.


[Audio] red_means_g0 December 24 2011, 02:03:03 UTC
[She's listening to all of that, paying attention and all, but something pings her curiosity, and she just has to ask.]

Anh, what exactly is a wiggler? [Really now. What is it?]


[Audio] wwrathofangels December 24 2011, 02:39:33 UTC
A grub. Oh wwait I'm guessin' you're human so a really small child like barely more than a hatchling or wwhatewer you guys call neww grubs? I mean if he wwere part a my race he'd definitely be just a grub still I think.


[Audio] red_means_g0 December 24 2011, 03:15:22 UTC
Ah, I see. [OK, the name wiggler kind of makes sense. a little bit. Possibly.]

Wait, so you are an alien like Kanaya? Are there more aliens here besides you two?? [Because, that actually makes her feel a little bit more comfortable and 'at home'. She kind of thought she would be a big weirdo in that place and all.]


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